The Genius Wave: Exposed How To Become Attractive or Genius By Listening 7 Minute Audio?

8 min readApr 18, 2024


Theta waves

The Genius Wave is a recently sent off brain-stimulating program that offers to assist with improving cognitive functions and build learning capacity. The program makes use of sound waves of a specific recurrence that is demonstrated to be equipped for activating the theta waves in the brain that gradually went lethargic after childhood.

In this The Genius Wave review, we will take a top to bottom glance at this program to check whether it lives up to the promotion.

The Genius Wave Reviews Trick: Does This 7-Minute Audio Track Truly Activate Your Brain’s Theta Waves?

They made The Genius Wave program in light of various exploration that presumed that children display more intelligence and creativity, trailed by young people, then followed by under 2% of grown-up participants.

According to the exploration, these superbrain abilities deteriorate with age and the purpose for this is the suppressed theta waves.

The program was created by a MIT-trained neuroscientist and the technique is viewed as upheld by traditional as well as present day science.

The sound waves are claimed to work on a brain level to activate the theta waves to restore genuine brain power that would cause endless exceptional things to occur in your life, which others would consider simple karma.

If these claims end up being 100 percent valid, The Genius Wave audio program will change the whole reality of life. It will make individuals unlimited wellsprings of potential and nearly everyone will be fit for superhuman things that can be finished with the brain.

In this The Genius Wave review, we will check what number of these claims are possible and if they have any evidence or testimonials to back them. In this way, without any more deferral, how about we get into it.

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What Is The Genius Wave?

The Genius Wave is a digital program in the type of a 7-minute audio track that claims to stimulate the theta part of the brain which is equipped for shaping reality, and where genius occurs. The program was originally designed as a one-hour brain entertainment program that later contracted to 7 minutes for convenience yet with a similar efficacy.

The program was made by neuroscientists who have been working on enhancing brain functions including learning abilities. The Genius Wave audio track does not require any additional work like practicing meditation or yoga, however is supposed to work well all alone.

Listening to these specially made sound waves is only one of the three methods for stimulating the theta ways. Be that as it may, contrasted with the rest, this one consumes less time, requires less exertion, and is inexpensive.

How Does The Genius Wave System Work?

The Genius Wave works by synchronizing a seven-minute sound wave with your brain waves to activate the theta waves. The strategy is easy to such an extent that you can do it at home whenever of the day you find convenient.

You can pop on a pair of earphones and listen to the 7-minute audio track shipped off your email, on your cell phone, tablet, or any device where you can get to a digital file.

These sound waves are designed to synchronize with your brain waves, interface different regions of your brain, and guide it to the almighty theta stage that has been suppressed as you age. The sound waves will begin working right away, from the second you begin listening to it.

According to the creator’s claims, when The Genius Wave brain upgrade program is turned on inside your brain, the outcomes will be surprising and sometimes a little overwhelming. The progressions will be noticeable to individuals around you, however much it is to you.

With consistent use, you are supposed to have more clear contemplations and quicker instincts. It claims to enable your brain to think bigger, tackle issues with little exertion, and spotlight on your profession, relationships, wellbeing, and everything that is important. Presently let us see what more does it offer.

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Benefits Of Using The Genius Wave Program

Since we have perceived how the program works, it is time to check in what ways will it potentially benefit you. Here are The Genius Wave benefits it can offer

· Hones memory: Since theta waves are fit for influencing cognitive functions and enhancing them, the program will perceptibly affect your memory in addition to other things.

· Influences temperament: Listening to The Genius Wave 7-minute audio track will bring you to a casual state where you will have the option to get rid of every one of your worries and find solutions for every one of your concerns. It will relieve pressure and improve your temperament, which in turn will influence how you answer typical life situations.

· Improves learning capacity: This was one of the significant objectives they remembered while trying to design this program. The Genius Wave soundtrack restores the learning capacity and abilities you had when you were a child, opens creative abilities, and helps you retain and remember everything you have learned until the occasion.

· Better command over things: The program gives you a superior hold over issues in your life including your wellbeing, vocation, and relationships. You will have the option to maintain and support those things without much exertion.

The Genius Wave Pros And Cons

As a program that stimulates your brain using sound waves, which doesn’t cost a ton, there wouldn’t be a lot to say regarding its disadvantages. It does not involve the use of any chemicals or destructive radiation that could influence you on a cell level and mischief your wellbeing.

Still, we could do a little personal investigation and make a list of the pros and cons of The Genius Wave theta wave activation audio, just to play it safe.


· Science-upheld theory

· Sensibly priced

· No hidden charges

· Once installment

· Accessible anywhere anytime

· Unconditional promise


· Just available on The Genius Wave official website

· Additional cost to take printouts

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How To Use The Genius Wave?

The Genius Wave is available in the type of a digital audio track that you can listen to from anywhere and whenever. You are supposed to listen to this track in a casual state, in a quiet environment for 7 minutes and these waves will activate the theta waves in your brain.

You can interface an earphone to your device when you are at home, and adhere to the instructions given by the creator for maximum The Genius Wave benefits. The sound waves will get to work the second you begin listening to the track by connecting a few regions of your brain.

What Makes The Genius Wave Different From Other Brainwave Programs?

Programs that claim to modify your brain chemistry through various techniques are bounty. In any case, the people who do that using this equivalent sound recurrence as The Genius Wave cognitive wellbeing

audio does are relatively few. I haven’t run over anything of the sort while searching for similar programs on the internet.

The brain is one of the vital organs in our body and while choosing a program that influences it in some manner, we really want to consider many factors and guarantee that it will not affect us.

Since the majority of these programs have no scientific evidence to back their techniques and could have potential side impacts it would be wiser to pick something that has demonstrated results like The Genius Wave.

The Genius Wave Customer Reviews And Complaints

The Genius Wave digital audio track has appeared to change the destiny of endless individuals who have been struggling in life trying to arrive at somewhere yet failing to do as such. It has assisted them with all moving forward from stages where they were stuck and lost practically all expect what’s to come.

If you go through The Genius Wave reviews, you can see that a large portion of these individuals ran over and tried this program on occasion when terrible things continued to occur in their lives and made them think that they had zero power over it.

The majority were prepared to give up and if they hadn’t given a shot to The Genius Wave audio program, they sure would have.

Besides the fact that they feel like they have become more brilliant and have a superior hold of life, yet even individuals around them have begun noticing these progressions happen to them.

Regardless of whether the majority of The Genius Wave customer reviews are satisfied, a couple of them complain about the program not being available anywhere else, and of the warning from the maker about its limited stock.

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The Genius Wave Pricing And Availability

The Genius Wave 7-minute audio track is originally priced at $49. According to the producer, considering the work put in to make this program and its rising demand, this is a bargain.

Nonetheless, if you buy it now, they are prepared to give you a discount of $10 and bring the price down to $39.

So if you mean to buy the program, go to The Genius Wave official website , click on “request now”, and fill in your request information to finish the request. When you are finished with this, the program, in digital configuration, will be shipped off the email address given, which you will have the option to access from any device and from anywhere.

The program accompanies a 90-day no-questions-asked unconditional promise which empowers you to have a sans risk period to evaluate The Genius Wave manifestation program without the anxiety toward losing cash.

They likewise have a customer support group on stand by 24 hours daily waiting to clear your questions and hear your complaints, to make things right for you.

Wrapping Up The Genius Wave Reviews

In conclusion, after careful examination and consideration of various factors, it can be confidently expressed that The Genius Wave audio track is not a trick. We can say that it is a program to stimulate the suppressed theta wave in the brain, using a specific 7-minute sound wave.

We have dissected every one of the specifics and understood how precisely it works, what it offers, and in what ways it benefits you. It is time we decide if it merits a shot or not.

If we investigate The Genius Wave customer reviews, it appears to be genuine and overwhelmingly positive. That itself is something that gives most of us affirmation about the effectiveness of the program.

The program cleared their contemplations, honed their memory, improved their learning capacity, and even opened their creative ability. The Genius Wave abundance manifestation audio provided them with a superior understanding of life and command over what makes a difference.

The program is available in the digital configuration and is reasonable to everybody. The Genius Wave creator offers a 90-day sans risk unconditional promise that allows you to give it a shot for a considerable length of time without worrying about losing your cash.

Considering every one of the advantages and comparing it with disadvantages, I sincerely think that it merits a shot. Isn’t that right?

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