Hello Genoda.io

2 min readJul 26, 2018


In the world of decentralized applications there is a need for a decentralized ethereum infrastructure. Infura.io is the single biggest player in this area and has done a great job of supporting projects like СryptoKitties, Metamask and others, but there are still some issues:

  1. They are the only ones doing this at that scale. We need more competition in order to make a decentralized ethereum infrastructure which is actually decentralized.
  2. They are a private solution meaning there is no easy way to set up an ethereum node without actually contacting them and making a private deal for an undisclosed amount of money (and we heard it’s pricey).
  3. They owned by ConsenSys, one of the largest ETH holders, so it’s possible for a conflict of interest situation to arise since they are mostly interested in ETH development.

The world of decentralized applications needs a decentralized ethereum infrastructure solution, but a different one. One which is simple, transparent and friendly to developers.

It’s as simple as 1–2–3. No complicated setup. As soon as you login you are in 3 minutes away from creating your first Ethereum node or cluster of nodes.

Transparent billing and costs. We value our resources in US dollars but charge in Ethereum. Therefore no credit cards are required to update your balance.

Friendly to side chains and Dapps. No private deals, you control what you need and use. There are 4 free shared ethereum nodes available to develop with.

We love the Digital Ocean company concept. We love how easy and cheap you can go with them creating droplets and using their services. Think about Genoda as a Digital Ocean for the crypto world where ethereum node infrastructure provisioning is as easy as creating droplets.

Go ahead and give it a try (be gentle since it is a beta!). We would love to hear your feedback.

Donations help us keep the ecosystem moving and are always appreciated! ❤0x8aeB610C75559D0455D06C83DA27Ec3DC3C34988

