Update: New Genesis Genopet Boost, Harvest Efficiency for Guild Habitats, and Leveling Up your Genopet.

6 min readSep 26, 2022


UPDATED 9/26 with new Timing for items #1 and #2 in the TLDR — See the full update announcement in Discord here: https://discord.com/channels/854213869139525712/890412881487736902/1024199585612169227


  1. We’re doubling down on Genesis Genopet holders. You’ve always been the OGs. Expect a new 10% Energy Conversion Bonus to go into effect Monday 10/3 around 1AM UTC & keep your pets close (not on a marketplace) for an upcoming airdrop.
  2. We’re showing that leveling up matters. Also on Monday 10/3 around 1AM UTC, we will be updating the step efficiency curve, so pets from Level 22 and up have a more significant advantage.
  3. We’re clearly defining differences with Guild Habitats. Starting Monday, we will be implementing Harvest Efficiency with new repair requirements for Guild Habitats.
  4. Lastly, we’re being explicit that Augmentation, with Crafting and Nurture, is the next major milestone on the Phase 2 Roadmap. Completing the Roads to Augmentation will unlock greater utility for Crystals, KI, and GENE in the game.
  5. See the full updates in the Whitepaper Mechanics Changelog.

It’s no secret that over the past month since Habitat Management launched earning in-game, the global economy, wider crypto industry, and the Genopets economy have faced some of the most challenging market conditions we’ve seen in over a year.

Still, as we approach the 1st anniversary of the launch of the GENE protocol, we find ourselves continually grateful for the support and community we’ve grown together since last year this time. Special thanks always to the Community Mods, Genopets Supporters, and DNA members, many of whom have been here from the start.

Whether you joined the community today or a year ago, know we’re still early. While it’s sometimes hard to see the forest through the trees, we’re only just getting started. Let’s breakdown these updates.

Benefits for Genesis Genopets

We’re doubling down on Genesis Genopet Holders. We want to celebrate YOU, the OG’s who have been here for almost a year. We’re doing 3 things to reward you.

  1. Keep your pets close. If listed on any marketplaces, withdraw them so you can be included in an upcoming airdrop. Good things are just around the corner 😊
  2. Starting Monday 10/3 around 1AM UTC, Genesis Genopets will receive a 10% Energy Boost, compared to a Genopet of its same level, when converting steps to Energy see details in the whitepaper.
  3. The advantage of starting at Level 22 is becoming more apparent. We get into the details below on the new Step Efficiency Factor changes and the resulting benefit that it brings to Genesis Genopets

Updates to Genopet Leveling

We’ve been continuously observing player behavior and community feedback since we first announced the concept of Step Efficiency Factor. One key takeaway has been the impact on the game when the vast majority of players are not heavily incentivized to level up.

Starting Monday 10/3 around 1AM UTC, we will be updating the Step Efficiency Factor to provide a greater advantage to players that are committed to leveling up their Genopet. A level one Genopet should not be able to maximize their KI Harvested on day one. All players should invest time and dedication to leveling up their Genopet before they can really start to earn.

As a result of this change we hope to see positive impacts to the game including:

  1. Reduced KI Token emissions as players need to prioritize using Energy for XP to Level Up in order to more efficiently Harvest KI Token.
  2. A greater value placed on the advantage Genesis Genopets have by starting at Level 22 and receiving a 10% Energy conversion boost.
  3. And of course, more fun as more players experience the exciting level up and evolution scenes.

More details are in the Whitepaper here.

When the change goes live, we will be retroactively adjusting the amount of Energy in all player’s accounts to meet the new step to energy curve. Across the board, this will remove energy from player’s accounts (relative to your pet’s level) if you have an Energy balance that is not used up.

Because of this, we suggest all players take the remainder of this week to utilize all of your Energy to begin to level up your Genopet before the changes go live.

Harvest Efficiency & Guild Habitat Repairs

Crystal & KI inflation is one of the more significant concerns in the community, and rightfully so. Until Crafting, there are only three things that Crystals or KI are used for: Repairing, Upgrading, and Terraforming new Habitats.

From the start, the Repair mechanic’s intention was for players to burn KI (Crystals) before getting to Harvest again. We believe burning KI in tandem with emissions is vital to the economic stability of the game.

However, one of the biggest drains on the economy so far has been the lack of regular Repairing and Refining by Guild Habitats that are only Harvesting KI from the economy.

Earlier this month, we released bulk Crystal Refinement, Habitat Repair, and Upgrading to make it easier for owners of multiple Habitats to more efficiently take these actions in the game. With this feature, we saw a 10x increase in repairs from Guild Habitats; however, Guild Habitats are still being repaired 10x less than Regular Habitats each day.

Starting Monday, we’re introducing the concept of Harvesting Efficiency for Guild Habitats.

To Harvest at maximum efficiency, Guild Habitats will need to be repaired more consistently as Harvest Efficiency decays daily by 25% until reaching 0%. For example, at 50% decay, a Habitat that would harvest 30 KI will only be able to Harvest 15 KI.

Genesis Habitats will never have this requirement, and Regular Habitats will not have this requirement for now. In our observation, Refine and Repair rates have been healthy across those types of Habitats and Player Actions.

More details are in the Harvesting KI section of the Whitepaper.

Wen Crafting?

The Road to Augmentation (Crafting and Nurture) is the next major milestone for the year in Phase 2 of our Roadmap. Not only will Crafting bring utility to KI and Crystals to help stabilize the economy, but Augmentation will allow for players to use those crafted items. Combined with Nurture, these launches are some of the most exciting aspects of the game, and allow us to deliver on creating a digital companion that you take care of every day by taking care of yourself.

As such, Crafting is our top priority (though there may be some fun to hunt along the way with plenty of uses for your KI and Crystals too 😈). While we are not announcing a specific date for launching Crafting yet, it’s our engineering team’s #1 focus and we will continue to share more updates as soon as we can. Until then, study up on the recipe book and read between the lines for more hints as to what’s coming.


This is only the beginning. We have barely scratched the surface of all this game is to become, and we’ll continue pushing ahead, building and releasing according to the roadmap as fast and sustainably as we can.

Whether you’re new to the community or you’ve been here since day one, we are excited to welcome you to the Genoverse and hope you stick around for the fun.

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Summon your Genopet and start moving to begin exploring and evolving together. Stay tuned for future updates, and join the conversation in our community channels below. See you in the Genoverse!

About Genopets

It’s time to step up your game. Genopets is the world’s first Free-to-Play, Move-to-Earn NFT mobile game that makes it fun and rewarding to live an active lifestyle. A Genopet is your digital pet whose evolution and growth are inextricably linked to your own. The steps you take every day power your journey through the Genoverse as you explore, battle, and evolve — earning crypto while you play.

Join the Genopets Community

Private Beta Sign Up: https://genopets.me/
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Telegram: https://t.me/GenopetsAnnouncements

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This post and all other materials provided by us are subject to this notice (“Notice”). Please familiarize yourself with the terms of the Notice, as it contains important information, limitations, and disclaimers regarding Genopets and our Genoverse and digital assets, forward-looking statements, and other representations and warranties from you in accordance with the digital assets. By accessing Genopets, the Genoverse, the digital assets, or any of our material, you accept and agree to the terms of this Notice. The sale of tokens is not available to U.S. Persons (as defined by Regulation S under the Securities Act of 1933) or to persons located in a sanctioned country as provided by OFAC.




Genopets is the world’s first Free-to-Play, Move-to-Earn NFT mobile game on Solana that makes it fun and rewarding to live an active lifestyle