Beyond the Jpeg: Unveiling the True Potential of NFTs.

3 min readJul 1, 2023


Not only JPEG.


In recent years, the world of digital art has witnessed a revolution with the emergence of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). While some critics argue that NFTs are merely Jpeg images with inflated values, it’s important to recognize that NFTs represent far more than meets the eye. In this blog post, we will delve deeper into the realm of NFTs and explore their true potential beyond being mere digital pictures.

2. Authenticity and Ownership:

One of the most significant aspects of NFTs is their ability to establish ownership and authenticity in the digital realm. Unlike traditional digital files that can be easily copied and shared, NFTs utilize blockchain technology to provide proof of ownership, ensuring that the buyer possesses a unique, verifiable piece of digital art. This newfound sense of authenticity brings tremendous value to the concept of owning digital assets.

3. Immutable and Transparent Record:

Blockchain technology underpins the foundation of NFTs, offering an immutable and transparent record of ownership. Every transaction made with an NFT is recorded on the blockchain, providing a complete history of ownership transfers. This transparency not only eliminates the risk of counterfeit or stolen artwork but also enables artists to receive royalties whenever their NFT is sold in the secondary market, ensuring sustainable income streams.

4. Empowering Artists:

For artists, NFTs present a paradigm shift in monetizing their digital creations. Gone are the days when digital artists struggled to gain recognition and financial reward for their work. NFTs empower artists by allowing them to directly connect with their audience, retain control over their creations, and earn royalties from future sales. This newfound economic model frees artists from traditional gatekeepers and opens up exciting opportunities for creative expression.

5. Enhanced Collectability and Scarcity:

Collecting and trading digital art has been revolutionized by NFTs. The scarcity built into the blockchain ensures that each NFT is one-of-a-kind or part of a limited edition collection, making them highly coveted by collectors. This newfound sense of exclusivity and rarity adds value to digital art, transcending the notion of it being “just a Jpeg.” Collectors can now curate their own virtual galleries and showcase their unique collections to the world.

6. Expanding Possibilities:

NFTs have far-reaching implications beyond the realm of art. They can represent ownership of assets such as virtual real estate, in-game items, music royalties, domain names, and even physical objects. This creates endless possibilities for tokenizing and trading a wide range of assets, disrupting traditional industries and establishing new economic models.

7. Conclusion:

While it’s easy to dismiss NFTs as nothing more than digital pictures with inflated values, a deeper understanding reveals their true potential. NFTs offer authenticity, transparency, and empowerment to artists, while collectors benefit from enhanced collectability and scarcity. Furthermore, NFTs pave the way for tokenizing various assets, opening up exciting opportunities for innovation across industries. As the world continues to embrace the digital revolution, the significance of NFTs will only continue to grow, reshaping the way we perceive and interact with art and digital assets.

Post Malevich. 01.07.23.




Digital artist. I am creator of unique NFTs. I am distibutor of NFTs.