3 Things I Did To Supercharge My Productivity

Gentle Stasy
4 min readApr 27, 2022


I have been sitting on my success all along

I recently took out time to analyze how I have been working and how I have been spending my time and it hit me that I have been sitting on my own success all along.

Through my analysis, I realized there’s a chance I can supercharge my productivity and get more done while still retaining my energy at the end of the day.

So this is what I did to turn things around.

1. I Micro-managed my time

For so many of us, being productive means working round the clock and if we successfully sit at our desk for 6–7 hours every day, we can attest to having had a productive day.

We rarely stop to look at how tasks can be done more efficiently. Personally, I have been about scheduling not more than three activities on my to-do list and in some cases one major task.

Surprisingly, when performing only one task in a day I’m only hyper-focused on that task for 2–2 and half hours max, the rest is just being busy.

To supercharge my productivity, I had to micro-manage my time, and schedule blocks of two hours and one hour for everything I need to get through for the week.

For example, if I’m writing an article for the week, on Monday I schedule two hours for writing the content, on Tuesday another two hours for editing. By performing a chunk of activities at every block of time, I’m able to conclude the task before the end of the week.

This style of working might seem easy to do but honestly, it took changing my mindset from obsessing about completion to being okay with not finishing and I’m glad I did.

This means I can now perform every aspect of my work with optimum concentration and I no longer have to feel like a depleted balloon at the end of my working day.

2. I Eliminated distraction

Except you are a monk, you’re obviously aware that screen time is the greatest sucker of time. To supercharge my productivity, I had to scale back on my usage of social media.

Since I know having these apps on my phone means I will be tempted to use them even when I don't want to, I deleted every one of my social media apps from my phone leaving me with the option of accessing them only via desktop.

For someone who is time-bound on the number of hours I need to spend on tasks, the truth is I barely have the time to check them on my desktop and for that reason, time for social media never comes and they don’t form part of my day.

Just cutting back on social media usage(even though i wasn’t an active user) I have realized that we actually do have enough time to do the things that we want to do but that spare time becomes evident when you allocate every hour of your waking time to something.

Right now I think of things to add to my working hours as I seem to have enough spare time through this new working model. And if things continue this way, I see myself taking up some new classes and if I’m ambitious enough I can add learning a new language (French) to my to-do’s.

3. I Created a flow state through my task arrangement

Every task is not built the same, there are tasks that take much more energy from you and there are also tasks that fill you up. For me writing and creative tasks takes from me while reading and researching add to my energy.

So, in arranging my task each day, I made it a combination of energy drainer and energy giver until I'm due for my one-hour break.

I never knew this would work when I started, but it has tremendously impacted my work delivery which I am happy with.

What you can do.

If you are looking to supercharge your productivity just like I have done, you can start by analyzing the current state of your productivity routine and look for ways to organize it to suit your personality.

The idea of arranging tasks to create a state of flow can be a game-changer for your productivity if you pair up tasks correctly with consideration to your personality type and the things you enjoy.

