Makerspaces: Money Isn’t Everything

Alex Gentry
2 min readNov 2, 2016


“What many people don’t realize is that the idea that you need a lot of money to start a Makerspace is a myth. All you need is to have vision, ingenuity, and resourcefulness. A lack of funds is no excuse for keeping your students from experiencing the empowerment that comes with bringing the Maker Education Movement into your program. It may take more effort and elbow grease, but you can start a makerspace even with a zero balance in your budget.” — Knowledge Quest

Money, Dinero, Dough, Moolah, Cash, or if you like to get fancy, Currency!

From my own personal experience 3 months into working on my first makerspace project with two other team members in Ashland, Oregon, I’ve had to remind myself that it isn’t all about the money. Makerspaces, and startups in general, tend to have challenges in attracting funding, but I know that it’s not impossible to attract. Especially because the three of us are broke, we are taking a risk in starting our fledgling makerspace, right now a mere idea. But because of our hustle and drive, and the fact that we’ve got a supportive network working with us, I cannot feel more proud to work with the people I’m working with.

Though the startup’s two founders are mere teenagers (while I’m 25 years old at the time I’m writing this!), I can’t doubt their potential just because of their age. After all, Richard Branson started his first newspaper at the age of 16!

Yes, since this is so knew I’ve had my skepticism. Yes I’ve had my fear. Yes I’ve had my doubt.

At the same time however I’ve had my faith. I’ve had my passion. I’ve had my trust that things will work out.

It’s only three months into our startup, and if it succeeds it will be very lucrative for the team. If it tanks on the other hand at least we’ll have had a learning experience and great professional development that we can take into other startups perhaps. Who knows what will happen? I have faith however that things will work.

Money wasn’t the reason why I joined our makerspace startup. The reason why I joined was because I believe in the maker culture, that everyone is a creator and everyone can realize their full potential.

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Alex Gentry

Language/Book/Travel Enthusiast. Language Tutor. Freelance Translator. Writer. Learning Graphic Design/Copywriting. Seeking Opportunities in E-Learning.