Netflix’s long-term outlook, Done up like a kipper and Who Likes Facebook’s Libra Currency?

Genuine Impact
3 min readJul 19, 2019


Here are the top 3 insights for July 19th

Today’s Brief

  • S&P Global Market Intelligence: Analysts raise questions about Netflix’s long-term outlook as competition mounts
  • BlueBay: Done up like a kipper!
  • Peterson Institute for International Economics: Who Likes Facebook’s Libra Currency? Not the Chinese

Analysts raise questions about Netflix’s long-term outlook as competition mounts

  • Netflix has consistently beaten EPS expectations over the past five quarters, though its stock has been battered at times amid broad-market volatility and announcements related to competitors’ streaming plans.
  • Consensus expectations call for continued EPS growth into 2020, with some flattening in the fourth quarter, according to data compiled by S&P Global Market Intelligence.
  • Pricing is another area where Disney and other large media companies are increasingly showing signs of being ready to compete.

Genuine Scores for the top 3 US Information Technology:

  • HP: 73
  • Western Union: 69
  • Hewlett Packard Enterprise: 67

Who Likes Facebook’s Libra Currency? Not the Chinese

  • Fears abound that Libra could give Facebook excessive power, facilitate money laundering, finance terrorism, reduce the ability of governments to manage money supply and economies, and threaten global financial stability.
  • With Libra, Facebook could leapfrog China by pushing out its currency to almost 2.5 times the user base of WeChat or Alipay overnight, with a worldwide reach.
  • Ironically, after years of benefitting from copying others, China is wringing its hands over an American tech company copying Chinese innovation.

Genuine Scores for the top 3 FAANG Stocks:

  • Apple: 54
  • Facebook: 47
  • Alphabet: 44

Done up like a kipper!

  • Core rates drifted lower over the past week in quiet summer conditions, while equities have largely tracked sideways as we embark on earnings season.
  • In the FX world, there has been increasing speculation around the potential for President Donald Trump to order the US Treasury to actively intervene to weaken the dollar.
  • We reduced the short position we have in sterling as Parliament voted positively on an amendment to prevent the next PM — most likely Boris Johnson — from proroguing Parliament to ensure the UK leaves on 31 October.

Genuine Scores for the top 3 BlueBay Funds:

  • BlueBay Global High Yield Bond: 73
  • BlueBay Em Mkt Corporate Bond: 53
  • BlueBay Emerging Market Bond: 49

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All the best,
Alister and the Genuine Impact Team

p.s. all Genuine Scores are accurate as of the 19th of July

