Young and Tech-Savvy: Navigating the Industry at a Young Age

7 min readMay 30, 2023


The tech industry has transformed a lot in recent years. Nowadays, getting into tech is way easier than it used to be. In the past, resources and information about the industry were scarce. But today, the internet is bursting with an abundance of tech resources, just a click away. As a result, so many young people are starting their careers in tech even without a degree. To give you an inside scoop on what it’s like to start your tech journey while you’re still a spring chicken, we spoke to three Gen Z techies who did just that. They gave us the lowdown on their experiences and the challenges they faced, shedding light on what it takes to make it in the industry when you’re just starting out. Here’s what they have to say:

Tomiwa Okafor, Software Engineer

What motivated you to start your career in tech at a young age, and how did you go about it?

During a time when I found myself with some free time at home, I decided I needed to do something productive. Fortunately, my dad had given me a laptop, and that’s when I discovered Alx Herberton. Being part of the first cohort, I had to learn the basics of coding from scratch since I had never written a line of code before the registration. The program required me to learn HTML and CSS so that I could build a website for the assessment test. With only 30 people selected from the cohort, I knew that I had to put in a lot of effort and dedication to succeed. As a beginner, it was a long and tough process, and there was no clear pathway to follow. However, it’s been God all the way until now.

What challenges have you faced as a young person working in tech, and how have you overcome them?

Many people in the tech industry, including myself, frequently experience imposter syndrome. Despite being naturally confident, there are times when I feel like I don’t have enough experience or skills to fulfill my responsibilities. This self-doubt can limit my potential and prevent me from taking risks or going beyond my comfort zone. However, I have found ways to overcome these negative feelings. One method that has helped me is to focus on my achievements and progress. Looking back at my journey and remembering how far I have come gives me a sense of pride and encourages me to keep pushing forward. It’s funny how one of my favorite memories was when I was ranting under a YouTube video about my lack of understanding in the tech space, and it garnered over 1K likes because people could relate.

Looking ahead, what fears or concerns do you have about starting your career at such a young age?

As a young lady in Nigeria, I have house responsibilities to fulfill, and working remotely often feels like just a soft way of saying “working 24/7.” Sometimes, I worry about how I’ll be able to balance my personal life and work life as I progress in my career. Another challenge I face is the competitiveness of the tech industry. It’s impossible to know everything, and there will always be individuals who are more experienced and professional than me. However, with the right mindset and support, I am confident that I can overcome my fears and improve gradually.

What advice would you give to other young people who are interested in starting their career at a young age?

To succeed in tech, it’s important to be proactive and seek knowledge. Build relationships with others in your field by collaborating on projects and attending tech events and hackathons with fellow learners. Instead of relying solely on a mentor, work with peers to deploy apps and build things together. Starting out in tech can be stressful, so prioritize your health, take breaks, and seek support when needed. In the long run, believing in yourself is key to building a successful and fulfilling career.

Adesewa Adebayo, Product Designer, and Manager

What motivated you to start your career in tech at a young age, and how did you go about it?

To be honest, it was during my first practical class at a teaching hospital that I realized I needed to pursue a different career path. I knew I needed to start early, so I conducted extensive research, explored different tech stacks, failed at some, and eventually discovered my passion: products.

What challenges have you faced as a young person working in tech, and how have you overcome them?

I’ve never been rejected for a job solely because I’m ‘young’, but I’ve been rejected several times because I’m still a student. Being too young is quite limiting because some people assume we lack dedication and don’t know what we’re doing. It can also feel weird to mentor others who may be older than us. How do I overcome these challenges? Upskilling. I became very skilled in my craft and gained confidence in my abilities.

Looking ahead, what fears or concerns do you have about starting your career at such a young age?

The major fear I have is the thought of exhausting myself and becoming tired at a time when my career and adulthood should be at their peak.

What advice would you give to other young people who are interested in starting their career at a young age?

In my opinion, the reality is far from glamorous. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself if things don’t seem to be going smoothly, especially if you’re just starting out. But give it a shot; explore as many career paths as you can. You’ll fail at most of them, but eventually, it’ll all make sense. Well, perhaps if my goal to retire at 25 works, I might have some enchanting advice to offer by then.

Ajayi Akintomiwa, Product Designer

What motivated you to start your career in tech at a young age, and how did you go about it?

My interest in computers and design drew me to tech, and I pursued my passion by attending a graphics design boot camp a few years ago. After that, I transitioned to product design and continued to improve my skills by attending boot camps and taking online courses.

What challenges have you faced as a young person working in tech, and how have you overcome them?

One of the challenges I faced was the difficulty of finding opportunities due to my lack of experience. I overcame this by networking with design professionals and taking on freelance work to build my portfolio.

Looking ahead, what fears or concerns do you have about starting your career at such a young age?

Despite the fact that I am eager to begin my career at a young age, I do worry that clients and colleagues with more experience won’t regard me seriously. Additionally, I worry that I may miss out on certain opportunities or experiences that come with age, such as traveling or pursuing other hobbies. However, I plan to overcome these fears by continuing to develop my skills, seeking mentorship, and being open to learning from more experienced colleagues. Ultimately, I believe that age should not limit one’s potential for success, and I am eager to contribute my skills and knowledge to the tech industry.

What advice would you give to other young people who are interested in starting their career at a young age?

My advice is to pursue your passion and be persistent in achieving your goals. Build a strong portfolio of work, do it in public and let people know what you do, and seek mentorship to help you gain experience and establish yourself. Remember that age is just a number, and if you have the skills and determination, you can succeed at any age.

In conclusion, starting a career in the tech industry at a young age can be challenging, but with determination and perseverance, it is possible to succeed. As we heard from Tomiwa, Adesewa, and Akintomiwa, the journey is not always smooth sailing, but upskilling, building relationships, and taking care of yourself are essential keys to success. Don’t let the difficulties you might encounter deter you from breaking into the tech industry as a young person. Join a community of like-minded individuals, learn from others, and never stop seeking knowledge.

Talking about community, take the leap and join the Gen Z techies community today!

