Geoart next phase

2 min readOct 13, 2021


Before we move on to our next steps, we’d like to thank everyone who has been participating in an initial minting. This project was started almost with no marketing and giveaways so we are very happy to see people part of the journey. This is the thing that drives us to move further. THANK YOU ALL!

The first phase was about generating art through an algorithm (1000 generated images) and by the team (80 images). In the next phase, we’d like to have a third group of artists in the collection — the community.

Here’s a real example that inspired us:

CoinDoggie who minted Al Marj NFT saw some weird figures in the yellow area of the image. (Image which was generated and chosen by algorithm)

After some discussion and research, we figured out that in the Al Marj there's some strange complex building, which seems to be similar to some 90s computer game (Galaga or space invaders).

This was now the part where community members can start building — After changing the coordinates and radius a bit, we generated a new image (with a Night theme).

We are still wondering who actually designed this complex and how those look in real life.

For the NFT community, it looks more like @cryptoadzNFT or Space invaders

The next phase is about building tools for existing community

Holding the original 1080 collection gives you access to every next feature/tool we build. As for the first thing, we give you features that allow generating new limited geo art images, based on:

  • Your favorite location — choose any coordinate from the world, together with the radius (it means you can generate images from your house or from the whole city)
  • Different color layers on top of each image — become an artist, and design your dream area. It would be possible to choose between existing themes, generate randomly, or build your own color palette.

What is needed to generate a new image?

  • You need to own at least one original geo art image to generate a new one
  • Generating new images also needs some “energy”, therefore we will introduce a gamification token, which can be earned and used to generate new images.




Generated art based on geo locations. This is an experiment between computer design and human inspiration.