Palestine Under Siege: It’s Not a War It’s Ethnic Cleansing

Apparently White Phosphorous Exploding over Civilians

The bombardment and IDF tank sorties into the residential districts are not “war” fought on a battlefield; they are mass murders of human children. Occasionally, a Hamas homemade rocket lumbers over the border and is shot down in the air. That is background radiation with virtually zero actual harm to Israel.

Meanwhile, thousands of children are slaughtered like animals in a slaughterhouse as the white patriarchy provides lies, excuses, and mansplains why supposedly this death machine against these kids is somehow some kind of glorious God-ordained vengeance.

Ethnic cleansing, defined

Ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic, racial, and religious groups from a given area, with the intent of making a region ethnically homogeneous. Along with direct removal, extermination, deportation or population transfer, it also includes indirect methods aimed at forced migration by coercing the victim group to flee and preventing its return, such as murder, rape, and property destruction.

What this means

the “little Ulster in the Middle East” has now alienated billions of people who will now be courted by the BRICS “multi-polar imperialists.” Yes, the ruling class has really f******d itself. Nothing will bring those thousands of…

