Resolve Your Resolution

WARNING: This article is blunt because, well, it has to be.

Geoff Gates
3 min readJan 3, 2014

So, it’s that time of the year again. That time where our Newsfeeds explode with much talk and very little action. It’s resolution time, a wonderful time where we look at ourselves under the microscope and decide to change one or a few aspects in our lives. I’m all for positive change, and if it takes the first of the year for you to do it, more power to ya.

But what’s frustrating is how often people DON’T follow through on these internal promises.

There are literally ZERO excuses to not follow through on your New Year’s resolution. I’ll use smoking as my example, but this is applicable to any sort of resolution that you may have. A good amount of my friends that I see online say they’re going to quit smoking. That’s awesome, I love it, please do. What’s bullshit is when the excuses start to roll off their tongues like a kid caught with his hand in the candy jar.

“I’ll quit once I finish this pack.”

“I’ll only smoke when I’m out with friends.”

“I’ll buy the gum and chew that until I don’t crave it anymore.”

“I’ll go from a pack a day to a half pack by February to none at all by March.”

Guess what? If those ideas are floating through your noggin, you may as well pack it in and give up all hope of quitting. NEWSFLASH: if you’re thinking those thoughts, you don’t actually want to quit. You’re probably saying, “OK Geoff, if you’re so smart, what’s the magic formula to actually quit??” Well, hold on to your hats, because it’s a doozy.


What a crazy notion, huh? Actually stopping the behavior dead in its tracks. No weaning, no once-in-a-whiles, dead stop. Your mind is powerful, control it. No one wants to hear your bullshit excuses. It’s hard? So what? Life’s hard, get over it. The way to stop is to simply STOP.

I chewed tobacco for five years and smoked cigarettes for three. When I decided to quit I was in the middle of smoking a cigarette. I threw the cigarette out of the window of my Acura RSX, as well as every piece of tobacco I had laying around, and I STOPPED DOING IT. Ya, I was moody for a bit and my head hurt and all I wanted was a smoke, that’s to be expected. But like my dad always says, “If you can do something for six weeks, you’re home free.” And I’ve found that to be very true because after six weeks, the new behavior becomes your new norm. Your body and mind have had sufficient time to adapt to the change, making the process of maintianing much easier.

Why was my gym totally empty January 2nd?

So, you want to lose weight? Take action and do it. Put down the piece of pie, shut your mouth, and go for a run. Want to learn how to play the guitar? Go buy one and play it every day for two hours until you’re Dave Matthews. You want to stop drinking coffee you say? Don’t buy a cup of coffee and don’t make any at home. Throw out your coffee pot and toss all your beans and filters (and whatever the hell else makes coffee).

Put on your big boy or girl pants and do what needs to be done to accomplish your goal. Bottom line.

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Geoff Gates

Associate Director, Social and Content @lakers. Former @trboxing, @vaynermedia, and @sfheat. | LA |