Geoffrey Transom
2 min readNov 14, 2016


You aren’t only what you look like”… writes the guy who includes more selfies in the story than I have taken in my entire life. No sale.

Seriously, folks: if you have an uninterrupted string of photographs starting in your pre-teens, of yourself trying to smoulder or look otherwise-interesting… well, you’re sufficiently self-absorbed that it will be indistinguishable from “mental illness” (and “mental illness” will be the excuse you go to when your life does not deliver outcomes that align with your excessive expectations).

Times were (saith the old fogey) that you got an annual school photo, and maybe someone took a snap at a birthday party, or a proper graduation (high school does not count), or a military march-out. Nowadays numbtards spend their whole time holding their phones at arm’s length (slightly elevated to accentuate their jaw-line), pretending that something interesting is happening.

Trying to pretend you’re ‘unique’ by gawping slack-jawed (or duck-faced, for chicks) at your own camera is a manifestation of self-absorption that is a far bigger impediment to getting laid than is the absence of visible abs. “Blue Steel” is not a joke-meme for no reason: it’s the mechanism that adults use to differentiate between normal people and the self-absorbed.

FWIW: I’ve been 120kg lean (in my 20s — thanks, steroids!) and 117kg fat (in my 30s — thanks, sedentary finance job!). I’m now a clean 103kg with a VO2Max above 45 and — much much more importantly — a relationship that hits its 25th anniversary next year. The only photographic evidence[1] of the last 30 years of my life is gym membership headshots, university ID cards, and snapshots of three events:

(1) the day The Lovely signed the Bar Roll;

(2) the day The Lovely was admitted to practice in the Supreme Court; and

(3) the day The Lovely and I went on a hike and she took photos of me from about 25m away (she was mostly interested in getting a photo of the waterfall I was showering in).

The world actually doesn’t care what you look like if you (a) are highly-skilled; and/or (b) have character. If the people around you do care what you look like, then you’re surrounded by people who are basically still children. Change that group of people stat.

[1] the only photographic evidence that includes me, I mean. I have loads of photos of our cats, places we have lived (mostly landscape photos from France), animals I have met, and so forth. I have never knowingly taken a photo of myself for no reason other than taking a photo of myself, and I’m a goddamn egomaniac (my egomania derives from being smart, strong, silly, and relatively well-off… in no particular order).

