
1 min readMay 15, 2016


Within a year of Apple bringing out the iPad, sixty four other companies had developed more than one hundred tablets between theml.*

Frans Johansson makes the point:

‘The interconnected universe we are building across cultures, industries, and other barriers makes for a hyperadaptive environment.’* because it’s hidden?

I wonder, though, what do others fail to see because they rush to follow a new trend — what are they rushing past?

There’s something really important about your curiosity, the things only you wonder about, how this makes the invisible visible. You’re not prepared to follow the crowd, and instead you look where others don’t bother to, to connect where others fail to, seeking out the hidden thoughts, experiences, and, most of all, the unnoticed people, so that what you bring into the world to share is all your own.

You have a great respect for what is hidden; you know that many things will never be known.

(From Fran Johansson’s The Click Moment.)

