hospitably yours

1 min readSep 5, 2016


‘A tribe that communicates more quickly, with alacrity and emotion, is a tribe that thrives.’*

“Freedom is not the absence of structure … but rather a clear structure that enables people to work within established boundaries in an autonomous and creative way.”**

There are spaces for copying the performance of others — most spaces are like this.

And there are the spaces in which the host(s) make it possible for their guests to go beyond what they can teach.

One environment reacts to an immediate problem.

And the other initiates future solutions.

There’s great humility to be found in such spaces. The host humbly encourages their guest(s) to surpass them.

The guest humbly acknowledges what they can become together with others is far more than they can become on their own.

Such places are enlightening in the true sense of the Enlightenment: the shedding of light on our potential as Human Becomings: “in your light we see light.”^

(*From Seth Godin’s Tribes.)
(**Erich Fromm, quoted in Peter Senge’s The Necessary Revolution.)
(^A interesting phrase from Psalm 36.)

