on your mark

2 min readNov 22, 2016


What are you going to do today?

It’s not Go yet. It’s not even Set.

‘What practices (moments of stillness) do you use to connect to Source?’*

‘Listen to your life. See it for the fathomless mystery it is.”**

Each of us trailblazes something. It doesn’t have to be big — this is a lie we swallow from our culture. It is unique, though, our fingerprint on the earth. Don’t rush into the day without valuing it.

We must reconnect to our Source, our muse, our god at the beginning of the day. Perhaps this time on our own is what we will find hardest of all, as Linda Rottenberg reflects on how ‘millenials need to be connected to others at all times’^

What makes us fully alive is where the really interesting stuff begins.

It’s how we’re successful in making a difference for others. It flows through us intuitively. We grow when we do this. And it feeds a need in us.

‘A halfman is not someone who does not have an opinion, just someone who does not take risks for it.’^^

Now you’re Set

Time to Go.

(*From U.Lab Portobello.)
(**Frederick Buechner, quoted in the Northumbria Community‘s Morning Prayer.)
(^From Linda Rottenberg’s Crazy is a Compliment.)
(^^From Nassim Taleb’s Antifragile.)

