sight for sore eyes

1 min readMay 10, 2016


Vision is our antidote for prematurely judging.

We open our eyes and our minds towards an alternative possibility becoming reality, rather than closing down possibilities, for both ourselves and for others. Vision is for everyone, without prejudice.

“Too many people, guilt-stricken, wounded,
Walk in regret, feel bad about failing,
apologise even for breathing.”*

It is also about now, carrying within it the reality it promises, opening a game of possibilities that can be entered into and played now.

‘When “the possibility of ideas making a difference” is spoken, at that moment ideas do make a difference.’**

A disturbingly exciting thought is that our lives can offer vision to others because of how we live out what it is we must do.

(*Andy Raine, quoted in the Northumbria Community’s Morning Prayer.)
(**From Rosamund and Benjamin Zander’s The Art of Possibility.)

