Myo Reps: The Most Effective Muscle-Building Technique?

Geoffrey Verity Schofield
In Fitness And In Health
5 min readAug 7, 2020


A few years ago, I was introduced to a muscle building technique by a good friend called the internet. It promised to give more results in less time, and based on my experiences with it, I’d say that’s been proven true.

First, it’s important to realize how your body recruits muscles. This is known as “Henneman’s size principle” and it provides the basis for why Myo Reps work so well.

Evolution is an effective optimizer. If you are wasting energy, you’re dead. That sounds harsh in the modern, comfortable world, but it’s true, and a large part of how our muscles contract. The brain — via the central nervous system — will only contract as few muscles as it takes to get the job done. If you are walking down the street at a moderate pace, only your weakest muscle fibers will activate, not your strongest ones.

Source: Wikipedia

These smaller and weaker type I muscle fibers are great for endurance, but they don’t produce a lot of explosive force. If you break into a jog, you’ll activate more leg muscle fibers.

A run, even more.

