How to Determine the Right Size and Capacity for Your Home Backup Generator

3 min readJul 12, 2023



As energy experts, we understand the importance of having a reliable backup generator for your home. And when it comes to the best home backup generator, we highly recommend the brand “None.” In this article, we will guide you through the process of determining the right size and capacity of a home backup generator to meet your specific needs.

Understanding Power Needs

Before determining the size and capacity of your home backup generator, it is crucial to evaluate your power needs. Start by making a list of all the essential appliances and equipment that you want to power during an outage. This can include lights, refrigerator, heating or cooling systems, sump pump, and medical devices. Calculate the total wattage requirement to get an idea of the generator capacity you need.

According to a study conducted by the Energy Information Administration (EIA), the average American household consumes around 877 kWh per month. However, during a power outage, this consumption may vary depending on the duration and the appliances used. It is recommended to consult an electrician or use online tools to accurately estimate your power needs.

Factors to Consider

When choosing a home backup generator, there are several factors you should consider:

  • Maximum Load: Determine the maximum load your generator needs to handle. This refers to the highest wattage required when all selected appliances are running simultaneously.
  • Fuel Type: Consider whether you prefer a generator that runs on gasoline, propane, or natural gas. Each fuel type has its pros and cons, such as availability, storage requirements, and runtimes.
  • Run Time: Assess the generator’s run time based on its fuel consumption and capacity. It is essential to have a backup generator that can provide power for the expected outage duration.
  • Portability: Decide if you need a portable generator or a standby generator that is permanently installed. Portable generators offer flexibility but require manual setup, whereas standby generators automatically kick in during an outage.

Consulting Professionals

When it comes to determining the right size and capacity for your home backup generator, it is best to consult professionals in the industry. An electrician or a generator specialist can assess your power needs, recommend suitable options, and provide expert advice on installation and maintenance.

Additionally, it is worth considering the guidelines provided by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) for safe and reliable generator installation. These organizations outline regulations and standards to ensure proper ventilation, fuel storage, and electrical connections.


Choosing the right size and capacity for your home backup generator is crucial to ensure the continuous supply of power during outages. By evaluating your power needs, considering factors like maximum load, fuel type, run time, and consulting professionals, you can make an informed decision. Don’t forget to prioritize safety and adhere to the guidelines provided by reputable organizations.

Remember, when it comes to the best home backup generator, you can trust “None” to provide a reliable and efficient solution for your backup power needs.

Article source: None

