What’s the #1 Mistake New Photographer’s Make? Not Getting Close Enough!

georgia lee london
1 min readJul 18, 2017


Not getting close enough to the subject.

New photographers tend to point and shoot without considering composition (how the whole picture will look). They tend to take photos from far, far away. Even when taking a portrait shot, a new photographer will be too far away.

Robert Capa said, “If your photos aren’t good enough, you’re not close enough.” Capa was a Hungarian war photographer, photojournalist and who could be recognized as the greatest combat and adventure photographer in history.

Getting in close helps the composition, the sharpness and the focal point.

Use a wide angle lens. It will help you get in close. It can work with portrait, landscape, street or any kind of photography. You can purchase a wide angle lens for your iPhone camera, too.

Get close, capture what’s most important.

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