A Tale of Two Cities

How Houston survived the mass rioting while Chicago and the rest of the country did not.

George Rogers
2 min readJun 5, 2020
Houston Skyline

You would expect Houston (the city where George Floyd grew up) to be burning right now, even more than the rest of America. But thankfully the prediction is wrong. Why is this the case and what can the rest of the country learn?

The spirit of the people of Houston is a Hospitable and Open one. In addition Houston is a blue collar town at its very core. This means that people are blunt and honest. This combined with the peoples hospitable spirit helps keep people honest and allows issues to be addressed. Also Houston is still filled with followers of Christianity which keeps political extremism down.

Chicago on the other hand is a closed network town. This means that we don’t want nobody nobody sent (sic — famous saying about Chicago’s closed nature). Chicago is also full of North Side Leftists, Good Old Boy Crooks and South Side Race Hustlers. This is the town of Obama, Jesse Jackson Jr/Sr, and Mayors Richard I and II of the House of Daley.

Quanell X of Houston is a piker compared to the pair of Jesse’s. Houston does not have much of a race hustler culture in the black community and even desegregation in the 60s went easier in Houston than in Chicago (the sponsor of the FHA of ’68 was a Houston Republican named George H. W. Bush). On the other hand Chicago had White Riots and Black Riots during the 60s the Englewood riots, the Convention Riots and so on. Chicago embraces racism to it’s core, unlike Houston where the only color is Green.

