Unearthing Hidden Inefficiencies: A Guide to Streamlining Your Business Process

George Piskov
3 min readJun 22, 2023


Astonishingly, numerous enterprises, despite their wealth of resources and plethora of successes, often grapple with the invisible enemy of inefficiency lurking within their business processes. Herein, we shed light on the techniques to identify and tackle these invisible adversaries, and we’ll delve into a few intriguing case studies that illustrate the power of a methodical approach in detecting and rectifying inefficiencies.

Identifying the Invisible Enemy

Unveiling the inefficiencies within your business processes first requires an understanding of your operational flows. It is paramount to map out your processes meticulously, providing a crystal-clear depiction of every procedure, from procurement to delivery. The process map serves as a bird’s-eye view of your business operations, highlighting areas prone to bottlenecks and inefficiencies.

Let’s consider a case from the thriving world of e-commerce. In 2021, a medium-sized online retail firm in Manchester realised their order fulfilment was taking significantly longer than industry benchmarks. After creating a detailed process map, they discovered a lag in their supply chain process. The issue lay in their over-extended quality checks, creating a bottleneck that slowed their entire operation. By streamlining these checks, the company significantly reduced its order fulfilment time, saving cost and enhancing customer satisfaction.

Data-Driven Insights

Next, the strategic use of data can aid in understanding the actual performance of your processes. Monitoring Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) such as processing time, costs, waste, and customer satisfaction can yield critical insights into the effectiveness of your operations.

In one example, an illustrious printing firm in London noted a higher than average rate of raw material wastage. After a comprehensive data analysis, they discovered their paper storage and handling procedures were not optimal, leading to significant wastage and additional procurement costs. By modifying their storage procedures and training their staff properly, the firm managed to drastically cut their wastage and save substantial costs.

Root Cause Analysis: Getting to the Bottom of Things

Once data unveils inefficiencies, the next task is to pinpoint their root cause. Employing problem-solving methodologies such as root cause analysis can assist in this quest.

A noteworthy case was seen in a renowned IT service firm based in Leeds. They were facing a high employee turnover rate, affecting their service consistency and causing additional recruitment and training expenses. The firm embarked on a root cause analysis and found that the main issue was a lack of career advancement opportunities and competitive remuneration. By addressing these issues, the company not only reduced its turnover rate but also boosted its employee morale and client satisfaction.

Regular Reviews: Maintenance is Key

The journey to eliminate inefficiencies does not end with addressing the current ones. Continuous improvement is key to maintaining efficiency, which involves regular monitoring of KPIs, routine audits, and fostering an open culture where employees feel empowered to report issues and suggest improvements.

Unveiling and combating inefficiencies in business processes is a combination of methodical mapping, strategic use of data, root cause analysis, and continuous review. Armed with these tools, businesses can turn the tide against the invisible enemy of inefficiency, fostering a more effective and productive work environment.



George Piskov

Business strategy consultant. Co-founder of several financial services and payment institutions internationally.