These 5 “clean code” tips will dramatically improve your productivity

Practicus AI
5 min readSep 8, 2018

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Quality code. Lots of people talk about it, but few actually do it right.

Most people who code naturally know what quality code should look or feel like. It should be very easy to read and understand quickly, there shouldn’t be any major faults, edge cases should be handled, and it should be “self documenting”. Still, many people miss the mark when trying (hopefully) to write quality code.

The cause of the mistakes are understandable in many cases. It can be challenging to predict how people will interpret your code, whether they will find it easy to read or an absolute nightmare. Not only that, once your project gets very big even you might not be able to read it!

In such a case, it’s always good to establish some principals that you can rely on. Some go-to rules that you can always reference whenever you’re designing or writing code.

The following 5 clean coding principals are the ones I code by! They’ve given me a massive productivity boost in my work and helped both myself and my colleagues be able to easily interpret and expand the code base which I’ve worked on. Hopefully they help you code faster and better too!

If it isn’t tested

