Tom Bilyeu NFT News

George Pagoulatos
3 min readSep 24, 2021

Have you heard of NFT’s? Have you heard of Tom Bilyeu? Well now you are about to hear about both and why YOU NEED to be paying attention to him and his October 16th NFT drop.

NFT’s are digital property rights. You own the asset and the value given to the asset owner. For example, anyone can take a picture of a house but if you don’t own the house, you aren’t sleeping in it.

Tom Bilyeu is an extremely consciousness individual whos drive is to positively impact the next generations through stories and intellectual property. He also helped create a 1 billion dollar company helping people be healthier due to his families struggles and his ability to take action to help make positive change.

On October 16th, Tom is releasing an NFT project which I believe will rise significantly in price because of the value this individual and brand will put into it. He has not released much details except a few things; I will do another post before the drop as more details are released.

The best way to see where this is headed is by looking at Gary Vaynerchuk’s — Vee Friends NFT project. This is a top tier NFT project with a ton of utility packed into the NFT’s that are not dependent on the art or crypto markets. This project has blown up from a 3 eth dutch auction to a floor of 15 eth at the current moment (high of +20) and may go way higher in a long time frame.

One example of why Vee Friends is valuable is the Podcast Panther Card. If you own the card, Gary will come onto your podcast. This is instantly worth more than a couple Eth to people who are starting a podcast.

After months of research, Tom has finally decided to release his own! Currently, all I know is that it is a dutch auction starting at 3 eth. For those who do not know what a dutch auction is, the price starts at 3 and decreases over time until the floor is hit and all are bought out. They may go instantly or take the entire time. This is a way to prevent people with a lot of money from buying them all and out bidding other people.

Tom talked in a FaceBook audio with Steve Aoki on 9/23 regarding NFT’s. He hypothetically mentioned that his NFT tokens can be packed with utility like discounts to stores among other exclusive access. Knowing him, he will want to provide so much value to his core community as this will be his brand and reputation on the line, two extremely important things to him. This is very similar to Gary’s project and why I think Tom’s is a must watch and support.

If you are interested stay tuned and follow him on twitter @

to stay up to date on everything.

Don’t know a thing about crypto? No worries! He will also release tutorials on how to set up MetaMask and how to buy Ethereum.

Don’t know Tom? Go watch some videos he has on his YouTube channel, Impact Theory.

After listening to Tom speak for hundreds of hours over the past years on everything from Entrepreneurship, Life, and Physical Health; among many other valuable things, I would highly HIGHLY encourage people to do their own research into the project and this individual before October 16th.

If you are lazy, I will do an in-depth take on his project prior to October 16th, as he releases more details. Stay tuned and good luck! Hope you have an amazing rest of your day :)



George Pagoulatos

Crypto gaming guild founder who helps gamers find purposeful entry level jobs through video games