Why Is Rod Wave Going To Jail

2 min readOct 20, 2021


Rod Wave is retiring after 2022, so this is your last chance to learn the reasons why Rod feels his only destiny is to pack his bags and go to jail. The values he lives by will take him into another dimension that leaves his enemies no alternative but to leave Rod alone or go to jail with him. He has made it clear that he will do whatever it takes to expose these crooked people no matter who they are or how powerful they appear. Rod has sacrificed the lost of his privacy, time with family and friends, and money for this cause. All of Rod’s writings are designed to bring awareness until all of you

Why is Rod Wave Going to Jail? I do not know much about it yet, but, here are some facts that I have come across. On May 1, 2018, Rod wave was transported to the Police station in Boston for questioning about his Case. Out of all the people involved in his case he . It has been almost five years now without any solid information. I have learned that Rod’s case could be related to an IRS investigation. I think this because back in 2015 he had to pay over $11 million dollars in back taxes. That year alone he made millions off of his book sales doing signings around the country

