Top 3 Crypto Picks For 2018

George Apel
3 min readJul 27, 2018


2018 has been a rough year for cryptocurrency traders. Although the year started off stronger than anyone could have possibly imagined, cyptocurrencies have unfortunately traded bearish ever since. With prices hovering near year-to-date lows, traders are probably wondering where they should deploy their capital. Although Bitcoin is certainly a safe bet for future growth, there are 3 cryptos that have an excellent chance of generating substantially larger returns.

Cardano (ADA): Most traders have likely heard of Cardano but given that the coin has sold off by more than 90% since early January, there is a good chance that the enthusiasm for Cardano has cooled off.

2018 Performance of Cardano

As the chart above indicates, the year has not been good for Cardano holders. But, given today’s current price of just over 16 cents, I feel like Cardano offers a ton of value.

Cardano has really set itself apart from other crypto projects in that the team has developed the blockchain with a scientific philosophy and a research-first driven approach. The team, led by Charles Hoskinson, is second to none. Hoskinson recently said that his vision for Cardano is for it to become the first trillion dollar currency which would essentially mean that the team would have built a self-sustaining economy. The current market cap of Cardano is approximately $4.2 billion so $1 Trillion sounds quite appealing.

Encrypgen (DNA): Encrypgen is flying completely under the radar and recently came to my attention because of an excellent article that was written at Seeking Alpha. Seeking Alpha is a crowd sourced content provider that typically caters to high end money managers and investment professionals. If an article is published on that site, investors should certainly take notice.

Encrypgen is currently valued at approximately $3.7 million which, quite frankly, could be one of the largest undervaluations in history. The company is involved in one of the most promising fields in all of science; genomics. According to this report, the genomics market is expected to be valued at nearly $24 billion by 2022.

While that sounds like an extremely lucrative area to be in, the primary reason why Encrypgen should be a huge winner in the near future is that the company is the clear leader in genomic security. The Encrypgen Gene-Chain is a blockchain to mediate the searching, storing, sharing, buying and selling of genomic data.

Genomic data security is one of the most important issues facing consumers today. In the fall of 2017, one of the largest genealogy websites, MyHeritage, was hacked. This hack exposed data from nearly 92 million accounts. It’s clear that a better solution is needed and Encrypgen is the hero we need. Although there are a few competitors in the field such as Nebula Genomics, LunaDNA, and Longenesis, Encrypgen is the undisputed king of the field. Encrypgen is expected to launch their cutting edge Gene-Chain platform in Q3 while its competitors still have a long way to go.

It’s important for investors to keep in mind that DNA is a utility token which means its value will be derived from platform usage. Given the size of the genomics market and the imminent launch of the company’s cutting edge Gene-Chain, I expect the value of the token to explode over the next 6-12 months.

Zcash (ZEC): When people talk about cryptos, bitcoin inevitably comes up as the main discussion point. And while it is certainly the king of cryptos at the moment, it does have a few issues. In addition to its high transaction costs, bitcoin does extremely poorly with privacy, and that is where Zcash comes in. Zcash allows private transactions in a public blockchain. This allows apps, businesses, and consumers to control who gets to see the details of their transactions.

Edward Snowden is one of the most polarizing figures in the world but there is no denying that the man knows his stuff when it comes to protecting oneself from government snooping. Earlier this year, Snowden came out with a lot of praise for Zcash.

With such a strong figure backing Zcash, it’s hard not to get excited. Investors might also be wondering about another privacy coin called Monero (XMR). And while Monero is the token of choice for the criminal underworld, Zcash appears to be gaining a lot of steam among more mainstream users. Zcash is certainly a coin for investors to keep their eyes on.



George Apel

Crypto enthusiast with a strong passion for making money.