George Austin
1 min readFeb 24, 2020


“It is common knowledge that Palestine is nothing more than southern Syria” — Ahmed Shukeiry, head of the PLO, to UN Security Council, May 31, 1956

“… Palestine is not only a part of our Arab homeland, but a basic part of southern Syria.” — Syrian President Hafez Assad, Radio Damascus, March 8. 1974

“Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity serves only practical purposes. The founding of a Palestinian state is a new tool in the continuing battle against Israel …” — Zuheir Muhsin, Head of the Military Department and Executive Council, PLO, Trouw, March 1977

In the Quran, there are 10 passages which state that Allah bequeathed the land to the Jewish people. In all of these instances, it is written that there is not only the right but the obligation placed on the Sons of Israel to inherit the land. On the other hand, there is no mention in the Quran of bequeathing the land to Muslims, Arabs, Palestinians, or any other nation not called the Jewish people.



George Austin

Husband, Home School Dad, Veteran, Marketing Copywriter. Defender of Faith and U.S. Constitution. Friend to the Homeless. Guess I’m Politically Incorrect.