SpringBoot: Standardized API Exception Handling

George Berar
8 min readDec 16, 2021


Handling API exceptions uniformly can be tricky and challenging sometimes so in today’s article I will talk about how to create a standardized API exception handling mechanism.

Photo by David Pupaza on Unsplash

Before we start you can find the entire code here. Ok, let’s dive in!


In my past projects I’ve seen many different approaches on handling exceptions at API level and returning meaningful responses; from using 200 OK status code in case of an error (yeah, you read that right) to returning no response body at all. Some of them were a little bit ‘more advanced’ and leveraged the built-in Spring mechanism with some level of customization to give more information about what happened but they were poorly designed.

Giving a meaningful feedback to the caller of your API in case of an error is as important as the success response. It must contain a minimal set of details which should express what happened and it needs to be properly formatted as JSON.

The Problem

A poorly designed API exception handling mechanism makes error response understanding and processing much more difficult than it should actually be.

If the error response does not show what happened, even at a basic level, it would be twice as hard for a developer to find out what’s the problem and come up with a solution. The continuous search through logs or attempts to simulate the context in debugging mode in order to reproduce the issue can become a bottleneck really quick in complex distributed systems. Same situation happens on the other side when you consume an API and have to deal with ‘wtf is this’ error responses and we all know how painful it is.

Talking about distributed systems; another case of what I’ve encountered myself is having a microservice ecosystem with 5 individual services where each of them had its own error handling design. This is ok because in a microservice context each service can be written in different programming languages as long as they use a common ground for communication and maintain the API contract. The problem was that each of them returned different error response payloads. One of the microservices used 3 of them and we had to implement a REST client capable of handling 3 different error response schemas in a generic and uniform way in order to maintain the backwards compatibility of the service. Not fun!

A common pattern I see so far is teams don’t spend enough time polishing the exception handling mechanism and consider it less important ending in scenarios where extra effort must be done which can cost the client money.

The Solution

Usually for scenarios where an API request needs to be fulfilled with business logic involving or not external calls you want to catch the specific database, http client or other unexpected exceptions, log the stack trace and throw your custom ones which are converted later on into prettier error responses.

As an example consider we want to fetch a TODO by id but we encounter EntityNotFoundException database exception. In my opinion is not a good idea to return this exception’s message straight to the caller because it might contain sensitive information (e.g. the internal id of the entity) and instead use a custom one like ‘TODO not found based on the given input’, which has more meaning. Keep in mind the business team could have the requirement to return business-ish error messages in some cases so you will need to do the same thing anyway: wrapping the original exception into a custom one or directly throw your custom one with information inside from a try/catch block.

Another example is fetching a TODO by id which implies an external call to a metadata service let’s say. If this call fails you don’t want to return ‘External call to metadata service failed’ or the error message of the REST client you are using because the caller doesn’t need to know what’s happening inside your system. You should return instead ‘Something went wrong getting TODO’ etc.

My point is, whenever you encounter an exception during an API request, you should always map the exception to a custom one, where possible of course, which respects the error response schema being returned to the caller. Always!

These being said, in an effort to standardize the API exception handling mechanism and create something generic that can be re-used and easily maintained I ended up with 4 different steps which I will explain in detail. The main idea was to create the mechanism in such a way that could be extracted at any point as a separate library without introducing breaking changes but to remain as flexible as possible. Let’s begin!

Step 1. Error Response Schema

The first step implies defining a meaningful error response schema in order to decide what information we want to return in case of an API exception.

As an inspiration I used the RFC 7807 devised by Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and created a custom one:

Custom error schema based on RFC-7807


  1. code a code that categorizes the exception
  2. message a human-readable explanation of the exception
  3. status the HTTP response code
  4. timestamp — the timestamp when the exception occurred
  5. invalidParameters — the list of invalid parameters in case of multiple violations/constraints (optional)

Step 2. Exception Policy

In this step we define a contract for our custom exceptions in order to have a standardized behavior across the API and provide some of the required properties for our error response schema. This contract can be a starting point for defining other policies also, as we will see later.

The structure of the base exception policy

I consider the code and the message being the mandatory information which must be present in each custom exception we want to define and as you already guessed there’s an unspoken connection between the policy and the information we want to include in our error response schema.

Talking about custom exceptions, there are 2 types that I consider to be important when building an API:

  • BusinessException — thrown on each API request which involves business logic
  • ApplicationException — thrown in all the other cases where we don’t have to return something to the caller (background processing, listeners etc.)

Because the base exception policy represents a starting point for other policies we can extend it in order to include additional information. In our case we need the HTTP status to be considered for BusinessExceptions also. So we define another custom policy:

Custom business exception policy extending the base one

As you can see we just extend the base policy and create the additional method for returning an HTTP status also and yes, this represents a connection with our status property from the error response schema. Simple as that!

Step 3. Exception Classes and Reasons

A common pattern I saw is to define a custom exception for each case when we can’t fulfil a business logic. For example:

  • ToDoNotFound
  • ToDoNotCreated
  • ToDoNotDeleted
  • ToDoNotUpdated

This works ok but the main problem is the increasing number of classes, duplicated code and maintainability. I remember I saw at some point 10 different exception classes used inside a method which were thrown based on different checks done for that particular business logic. Let’s be honest, even if you create a base class for them to avoid duplication you still end up with a lot of classes doing the same thing: carrying an exception message and maybe something else.

The point is you can loose track of them really fast and if you want to include additional information inside some of them then you need to do monkey work and duplicate because you don’t want to break the other classes by putting the new information inside the base class.

In order to solve the mentioned issues we can stick to only one class named BusinessException which looks like this:

Custom exception class for business related scenarios

What is that BusinessExceptionReason present in constructors you may ask. It’s an enum class which holds information about the reason why the BusinessException was thrown and looks like this:

Custom business exception reasons

As a developer I wanted a simpler way of controlling the messages and HTTP statuses returned to the caller whenever I throw a business exception. This way I can add, replace, delete and update everything related to business exceptions in one single place, here.

Do I want to return HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST in case a TODO is not found by the external reference? I change from NOT_FOUND to BAD_REQUEST and done; 3 seconds change!

Do I want to change the message and include the external reference value also? I add %s in the message like this TODO not found based on the given external reference %s and then I use the BusinessException’s constructor accepting the varargs argument Object...parameters. That’s it!

Here are some examples:

Examples using different constructors of BusinessException

This gives us flexibility, maintainability and more important an easier way of throwing and managing business related exceptions. Keep in mind that both of them (BusinessException and BusinessExceptionReason) must adhere to the same exception policy!

Step 4. Global Exception Handler

The last step is to define the global exception handler. This is the @ControllerAdvice annotated class as we know it and looks like this:

This handler is responsible of catching uncaught exceptions thrown inside our API. It provides a lot of methods that can be overridden for providing custom behavior and can be extended to deal with custom exceptions also. More details here.

Note: The other methods from the handler are omitted for simplicity but as I already mentioned you can find the code here.

What we have to do is to simply declare a method annotated with @ExceptionHandler which should handle our custom BusinessException when thrown and extract the required properties in order to create the error response schema. Notice the returned HTTP status code is the one coming from the exception and this means whenever we change the HTTP status of an exception reason, the change will be reflected automatically without any additional intervention to our code base!

The handleUncaughtException acts as a fallback mechanism in case we don’t have a method inside the handler to deal with an uncaught exception. For example a NullPointerException can occur but it will be caught by the method which will return an Internal Server Error response. This way we are bullet proof and we make sure we always return the same error response schema no matter what uncaught exception was thrown.


Here are some screenshots with different error responses for a dummy TODO API:

  1. Delete non-existing TODO by external reference

2. Create TODO with invalid ‘title’

3. HTTP request method not allowed


As always please keep in mind this approach might or might not suit your project context or needs and I’m not in the position to say there’s no other way to do it differently or better. I really hope you enjoyed it and had fun reading it.

Stay safe and remember you can find the code here!



George Berar

Senior Software Engineer • Freelancer • Tech Enthusiast