How To Create a LinkedIn Carousel Post + 7 Killer Examples

George Drennan
11 min readJun 8, 2024


Remember those cool LinkedIn carousel posts? Well, the bad news is that LinkedIn axed the feature just a year after rolling it out.

But there’s good news. You can still create carousel-like posts using LinkedIn documents. These document posts are all over LinkedIn now, and they get a ton of engagement.

In this guide, I’ll reveal how to create an eye-catching carousel post using LinkedIn documents. You’ll get all the steps, pro tips, and some examples to spark your creativity.

What Is a LinkedIn Carousel Post?

A carousel post is a type of LinkedIn post in which you can display multiple images or videos in a single post. Like a photo album, you can easily flip through the slides with a simple swipe or arrow-click.

LinkedIn gave that feature the boot in June 2023. But there is a neat workaround. You can use the document post feature to create a carousel of images like the example below:

HubSpot & Lyte LinkedIn Carousel Example

Document carousels don’t support video files, but they’re still one of the best ways to grab attention on LinkedIn. Need proof? A Socialinsider study found that document posts pull in 5x more clicks compared to other organic content:

LinkedIn Average CTR by Post Format

Document posts are a great way to share information in a structured and visual way. They’re the ideal format for telling a story or a deep dive into a topic.

LinkedIn Carousel Document Specifications

The specs for a LinkedIn document post are flexible. It should be:

  • A PDF, PowerPoint, or DOC/DOCX file
  • No more than 300 pages
  • Under 100MB in size

How To Create LinkedIn Carousel Posts in 4 Steps

Creating a carousel post on LinkedIn is pretty straightforward. But there are a few key things that you need to get right.

Step 1: Choose a Tool to Create a Slide Deck

LinkedIn doesn’t have a built-in feature for designing carousels. Instead, you’ll need to use an external tool like Canva or PowerPoint to create your slide deck.

Personally, I’m a big fan of Canva. It’s super easy to use, and they have a collection of ready-to-use templates perfect for LinkedIn docs.

Canva Templates for LinkedIn Carousel Posts

There aren’t any hard rules for carousel sizes, but most creators opt for portrait dimensions. Portrait carousels occupy more real estate on the LinkedIn feed for mobile and desktop users.

Step 2: Design Your Slide Deck

Kick things off by choosing a template that’s a good fit for the content you want to share. If you feel confident about your design skills, you can create your own layout from scratch.

We’ll cover design best practices later, but here’s one thing you should keep in mind: visuals are your secret weapon. If you’ve got a complex topic, use high-quality images and catchy graphics to simplify the information.

Once your first slide looks good, create a duplicate for the second slide. This allows you to switch up the content while maintaining aesthetic consistency. You get a seamless look from slide to slide.

If you’re using Canva, you can use the handy alignment lines. They’re perfect for ensuring every piece of text and image is in its right place, creating a neat and cohesive look.

Before you finalize your design, take a moment to review your slide deck. Run through your slides, check the flow, and make sure everything looks right.

Step 3: Save Your Slide Deck as a PDF

This is really important. LinkedIn allows you to upload PNG and JPG files, but you can’t use images directly in a document carousel post. Instead, save your slide deck as a PDF document.

Save as LinkedIn Carousel Slides as PDF Standard

In addition to the PDF, save the original editable file. This will allow you to easily make changes in the future if needed. And when you’re ready to create your next post, you’ll have a pre-made carousel template to work with.

Step 4: Post it on LinkedIn

Once you’ve saved your PDF, it’s time to share your creation with the LinkedIn community.

Click on “Start a Post” at the top of your feed. Then, click the three dots ellipses to see all LinkedIn posting options.

Select the document icon in the post creator. This will allow you to browse the files on your computer and choose the carousel slides you saved earlier.

Add Document on LinkedIn

Before you post, add a descriptive caption. Give people a teaser of what’s inside the carousel and a reason to swipe through it. A compelling caption can grab attention and increase engagement.

Lastly, give your post a once-over. Check out the preview, and make sure your slides are lined up in the right order. If everything looks good, hit the “Done” button to share your masterpiece with your audience.

LinkedIn Carousel Post Best Practices

Creating a LinkedIn carousel is more than just putting some slides together. Here are some best practices to help you craft a carousel that pops and gets those thumbs swiping.

Lead With a Striking First Slide

The first impression is everything with a LinkedIn carousel. Your opening slide needs to stand out on the LinkedIn feed and get people invested.

You can create a curiosity gap to really hook your audience from the get-go. Make them wonder, “What’s next?”

Here’s a great example from Fairphone:

Fairphone LinkedIn Carousel Example

If a curiosity gap isn’t the right fit for your content, go with a clear, concise headline. Ask yourself, “What’s the main message I want to convey?” and “Why would someone care?”

When crafting LinkedIn carousel slides, the AIDA model can be helpful.

AIDA Model Diagram

Here’s a breakdown of what AIDA stands for:


Start strong. Use bold colors that stand out from the usual LinkedIn palette or an eye-catching image that makes viewers want to see more.


After securing their attention, keep them hooked. A thought-provoking question in the second slide can incite their curiosity about the subject.


Show people why they should care. How will your carousel level up their game? Maybe you’re giving them the keys to overcome a challenge or hit a goal.


Conclude by nudging the viewer towards a specific action. This could be downloading an ebook, booking a consultation, or connecting with you on LinkedIn.

Get Straight to the Point

Only include information that’s absolutely necessary. If it doesn’t add value or isn’t relevant to the main message, remove it.

It’s not about how many slides you have — it’s about the value each slide provides. A few slides packed with quality content are much better than a longer carousel filled with unnecessary details.

Be Authentic

Share a good dose of “YOU” in your content. If you have a relevant story, lesson, or a facepalm moment from the past, share it. This can make your content more relatable and help you foster a deeper connection with your audience.

Here’s an excellent example from Joe Davies:

Joe Davies LinkedIn Carousel Example

Even if you’re sharing a carousel post from your company page, try to ground it in real experiences. Discuss how the insights you’re sharing have helped you save the day for a client or delivered exceptional results for your company.

Add Branding to Your Carousels

Branding helps viewers spot your content in their feeds. A consistent style or logo can boost brand recognition and help you grow your audience on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn allows users to download a copy of document posts. Have you ever saved a PDF and later wondered, “Wait, where did I get this?” Don’t let that happen to your stuff. If someone saves your content for future reference, your branding ensures they’ll remember the source.

You can incorporate your logo on each slide like the example below:

American Express LinkedIn Carousel Example

Make sure your logo doesn’t overshadow the main content. A common practice is to place it in a corner where it’s visible but not distracting.

You can also strengthen brand recall by using your brand’s primary and secondary colors. This creates a consistent look to your content.

Tell People What to Do Next

Your carousel posts should contribute towards your LinkedIn marketing goals. A strong (CTA) tells your audience exactly what you want them to do after viewing your content. It’s an essential element of any marketing content, including LinkedIn carousels.

Most creators place CTAs on the last slide, like the example below:

LinkedIn Carousel CTA Example

Make it clear what the audience will gain by following your CTA. Instead of a vague “Learn More,” be specific about the value they’ll receive. This can make the CTA more compelling and actionable.

How to Spy on Competitors’ Carousel Posts

Understanding what your competitors are doing can provide valuable insights for your own LinkedIn strategies. You can see which types of carousel posts resonate with your target audience and identify content gaps.

There are two ways to see your competitors’ carousel posts on LinkedIn.

Method #1:

Type in a keyword related to your industry into the search bar and see what pops up. To zero in on carousels, click “Posts” in the top menu. Then, filter the results by clicking “Content type” and “Documents” from the dropdown menu. This will show you carousels related to your keyword.

LinkedIn Carousel Competitor Analysis Method 1

Method #2:

You can also see your competitor’s carousel posts by visiting their official LinkedIn company profile or personal profile. Click on “Posts” and then “Documents” from the submenu.

LinkedIn Carousel Competitive Analysis Method 2

Pay close attention to the posts that receive the most likes, shares, and comments. What topics are they covering? How long are their posts? Any design choices that stand out?

The goal is to see what works well in your industry, what doesn’t, and what unique value you can offer.

Which Types of LinkedIn Carousel Posts Work Best?

Carousel posts are a great way to showcase your content. But what type of post works best?

It really depends on your products and services. However, some types of carousel posts tend to perform better than others. Below, you’ll find seven examples of high-performing carousels to inspire you.

1. Educate Your Audience

Showcase your expertise and help your followers learn something new. Instead of overwhelming people with a lengthy post, break down the information into small chunks. Use each slide of the carousel to explain one point or idea.

Here’s a great example from Ahrefs:

Ahrefs LinkedIn Carousel Example

Think about the questions your audience might have or the challenges they face. Address these topics with clear and concise information in a visual carousel post.

2. Share a Tutorial

The carousel format is perfect for demonstrating a process or teaching a skill. You can structure the tutorial in clear, manageable steps. Each slide should represent one step or part of the process.

Here’s an example from Chase Diamond and Audrey Chia:

Chase Diamond LinkedIn Carousel Example

When possible, illustrate each step with an image or graphic. Visual aids can help viewers better grasp the concept and make your tutorial more engaging.

3. Launch New Products or Features

You can use LinkedIn carousels to support the launch of a new product. It’s a visual way to structure information and guide your audience through the key aspects of your product.

Here’s an example from Google’s Simon Kahn:

Simon Khan LinkedIn Carousel Example

Introduce the product in the first slide and dedicate each subsequent slide to a specific feature. Use clear visuals and concise text to let people know why each feature is a game-changer for them.

4. Share Original Research and Data

Carousel posts are super-effective for sharing data from your latest survey or analysis. You can make complex information more accessible and interesting to your audience.

Use individual slides to present the most significant data points with charts, graphs, or infographics to represent the data.

Here’s an example from Semrush:

Semrush LinkedIn Carousel Example

To drive more traffic, include a CTA in the final slide and a link to your landing page in the comments.

5. Promote an Event

Carousels are a great format to support your event marketing. Share specifics on the what, when, and where.

You can also create post-event carousels with key takeaways like this example from Jessica Redman:

Jessica Redman LinkedIn Carousel Example

If your event has guest speakers, showcase them. Create a slide for each speaker, including their photo, a brief bio, and what they’ll cover.

6. Listicles

The listicle format is well-suited for creating carousel posts. You can share knowledge, tips, or insights as bite-sized, easy-to-digest carousel slides.

Here’s an example from Joe Gannon:

Joe Gannon LinkedIn Carousel Example

Dedicate each slide to one point or item from your list. This keeps the content organized, making it easy for viewers to skim the information.

7. Customer Success Stories and Case Studies

LinkedIn carousel posts aren’t just for thought leadership and brand awareness. You can also build out the bottom of your funnel with case studies and customer success stories.

Sharing real experiences illustrates the tangible benefits of choosing your business.

Here’s an example from Lumen5:

Lumen 5 LinkedIn Carousel Example

Structure your slides to form a narrative. Detail the specific challenges the customer experienced, how you addressed the customer’s problem, and the outcomes. You can include customer quotes to add a personal touch and reinforce the message.

Get Started with LinkedIn Carousels

If you’re looking to increase engagement on LinkedIn, carousel posts are a great place to start. Video has been getting a lot of attention, but it’s not always the best option.

With LinkedIn carousels, you can share your knowledge, repurpose blog content, and grow your following.



George Drennan

Copywriter helping digital marketing brands and businesses connect with their clients.