What Malcolm Gladwell Taught me about Interviewing..Thought exercise: what do the following have in common? Hernan Cortez meeting Montezuma, Neville Chamberlain meeting Hitler, Bernie Madoff…Jul 31, 2020Jul 31, 2020
Published inLearning LabStaying competitive as a Busy Professional. My 4 Learnings.How to maintain your insatiable appetite for learning. It is absolutely key for keeping you competitive as a working professional.Jul 13, 20202Jul 13, 20202
A framework for having difficult conversationsSadly, we do not receive any formal training on developing conversational skills. This book review provides tips.Jan 7, 20201Jan 7, 20201
6 Lessons From Building a Healthcare StartupHealthcare is tough. In this article, I provide 6 valuable lessons I learned while trying to build a start up over the past 9 months.Nov 19, 2019Nov 19, 2019