The Main Points that Govern the Probate Law and why It is Required

George Nam
3 min readAug 10, 2017


It is very important to make an official will. Though it is not a pleasant subject to discuss, but it has to be discussed if you want to avoid unnecessary stress and tension later on. At some point of out livers about which we don’t have the slightest idea, death will take us away from our near and dear ones. If you own an estate or a property then it becomes all the more important to make an official and legally valid document regarding the distribution of the same. When you have an officially recognized will, you will be sure that the property will be distributed as per your wish after you pass away. It is important that the people who are close to you get their fair share of your property and not just the blood relatives, just because of the fact that they are your immediate family. Therefore id you really want a definition of probate then it will be fair to say that it is ‘the official proving of a will’. The laws that govern probate can be complicated and it is difficult to fathom their meaning and implications for a lay person. Especially after a dear one passes away people who are in grieving can make little sense of the legal jargons that these laws have. The procedures get a lot trickier when there are no official legal papers declaring who would be getting what. Naturally what follow is chaos as well as confusion which is an added pressure on the family members who are already in mourning.

probate Hawaii

The law of probate varies from one country to the other and in Hawaii there are certain rules and procedures which are to be followed in such cases. The basic process, However, is that someone close to the deceased approaches the courts to act as ‘executor’. The process starts once the executor is established and starts by collecting all assets and getting a value for the total. The remaining assets after paying the debts can be distributed as per the will before the probate process is formally closed. Though the probate process is something that you will rarely have to face, because most people nowadays have become aware of the importance of having a will, but still it is no harm to know the specification regarding probate Hawaii. The process of probate if checked in a clinical manner involves the following steps.

Probate Hawaii is something which you will only encounter when you have a stake in a property owned by the deceased property owner.

The processes that are important are as listed below:

The first thing is that you have to prove that the official will made by the deceased is valid and is recognized as such by the court of law.

The second step is to have all the properties owned by the deceased assessed as well as appraised so that the exact value can be ascertained.

Fourthly, if the property is under any kind of debt, then taking the legal steps to pay off the debts as well as the taxes if there are any.

Last but not the least, in accordance to the will proper distribution of the properties, or what is left of them.

Therefore you now know the basics of a probate law, and if at any point of time in your life you need to deal with a situation, then you will know the main points that are related to the probate law.

