Web3 UX Research as a Public Good

Georgia Rakusen
2 min readAug 21, 2023


At OpenUX we’re building an open UX research insights repository to help all web3 builders.

We’re building an open insights repository that will allow any team or builder in the web3 ecosystem to find reliable UX research insights that level up their own product decision-making.

Read on for more details, and help us make this a reality by donating to our live Gitcoin Grant application.

Concept for the OpenUX Insights Repository

Every web3 product team has questions

Currently user research in web3 happens in silos, or not at all. We know the outcome of this; many projects exist without certainty about what user problem to solve, with unclear value propositions, often targeting the wrong audience, and failing to reach their full potential.

Every team in the ecosystem has questions like these…

“Our staking protocol has lost users over the last year, what can we learn to help us improve our user experience?”

“Success of our project’s governance requires high participation of members. How do we design a truly engaging voting experience?”

“We’re building tools for NFT artists, and we want to know what their biggest pains are right now when choosing a platform.”

At OpenUX it is our mission to make user research a public good in web3, breaking down the barriers that prevent teams from building products that are widely adopted.

A first-of-its-kind open insights repository

We envision a platform that aggregates and indexes all the existing user research studies that are conducted in the space, providing them to product teams for free.

  • Each report will be broken down into bite-size insights, allowing builders to drill down into the specific topics and themes that impact them.
  • Users of the platform will know the who, when, and how of each research study, so they can consume the insights with confidence.
  • As well as insights, we’ll provide guides and tools to empower teams to conduct their own impactful user research.

You can help make this a reality by donating to our Gitcoin Grant application. Let’s make user research a public good in web3.

