
July 1.

Georgia-lorene McEbong


Vulnerability is scary.

It is easier to close up

Never try, you never fail

But you never learn

You never grow.

Weakness is easy

Who told you so?

Egos are on humans

Like white on rice

Like… brown on coconut

Like the sky is blue.

Vulnerability is fighting your ego.

It’s putting yourself out there to be






It is HARD.

Vulnerability is fighting natural human instincts to put a wall up, shut people out and cover up what you would rather they did not see.

But walls are for cowards.

Walls are for people who fear correction.

Walls are for people who fear being seen as imperfect.

Who are you fooling?

Nothing is perfect because there is never only one way that any one thing can be.

And if nothing is perfect, then you’re fighting… you are breathless… for NOTHING.

Dare I ask again,

Who are you fooling?


Is not a word used by haters

It’s a word used when people can tell beyond your facade.

But you’re not fake. You couldn’t be anymore original.

There is only ONE you.

Ignore the cliché

You ARE unique

Your facade will irritate them, yet you’re working so hard at it.

Why not irritate them with your uniqueness?

(they’ll be irritated anyway) *shrug*

Crave what you crave

Be what you are

Cry when it hurts (No matter who is watching)

Soil your hands with hardwork for things that make you feel alive.

And let them talk.

Make it worth their while.

Let them mock.


Let them correct.



And watch it stop being funny

Watch how people begin to look awkwardly at those still laughing.

You will fail sometimes, so be adaptive to life.

It will hurt sometimes, but be vulnerable to love.

Life is richer than what you have behind closed doors.

Open up

And watch your stories change the world.

Photo by my talented friend, Chike Nwabuo. Thank you for blessing me constantly with your beautiful perspective.

