Clash of Cockfights: Comparing Online Sabong and Traditional Sabong

Georgia Murphy
4 min readJun 28, 2023

Sabong, also known as cockfighting, has long held cultural significance in the Philippines and has been a popular pastime for generations such as online slot games. However, with the advancements in technology, a new form of cockfighting called online sabong has emerged, taking place on virtual platforms. Understanding the differences between online sabong and traditional sabong is crucial for enthusiasts and participants. This article provides an overview of both formats, highlighting their features, advantages, and disadvantages.

Online Sabong in the Philippines: How Does It Work?

Online sabong refers to cockfighting that takes place on online platforms through live streaming, online betting, and virtual participation. Various online sabong platforms, such as online slot games, operate in the Philippines, offering convenience and accessibility to participants from anywhere in the country. These platforms provide a wider range of options for enthusiasts.

Mr. Charlie “Atong” Ang, a prominent figure in the world of cockfighting, is known for his involvement in financing and promoting cockfighting events. He owns and operates several cockfighting arenas, or “sabungan,” in different parts of the country.

Pros of Online Sabong

There are several potential advantages of online sabong in the Philippines:

  1. Convenience: Participants can engage in cockfighting matches from the comfort of their own homes or any location with internet access. This eliminates the need to travel to physical cockfighting arenas, saving time and transportation costs.
  2. Accessibility: Online sabong can be more accessible to a wider audience, including the elderly, people with disabilities, or those living in remote areas. It allows individuals who may have limitations or difficulties physically attending cockfighting events to participate in the tradition.
  3. Safety: Online sabong eliminates the physical risks associated with handling live animals in cockfighting. It provides a safer option for participants, reducing the chances of injuries to roosters and handlers.
  4. Economic Opportunities: Online sabong platforms can create economic opportunities for platform operators, breeders, trainers, and handlers. By attracting a larger audience, these platforms generate more revenue, benefiting the overall cockfighting industry in the Philippines.

Cons of Online Sabong

However, there are potential disadvantages of online sabong:

  1. Legal and Regulatory Concerns: Some online sabong platforms may not always be fully regulated or authorized by the government. This can pose risks to players in terms of potential legal issues, lack of consumer protection, and limited recourse in case of disputes or fraudulent activities.
  2. Financial Risks: Online sabong involves real money transactions, and participants can lose money if their bets do not result in a win. There is a risk of overspending, chasing losses, and engaging in risky betting behavior, leading to financial difficulties and debts.
  3. Addiction and Gambling-related Problems: Online sabong, like any form of online gambling, can lead to potential gambling-related problems such as addiction, financial losses, and negative impacts on mental health, relationships, and overall well-being.

Traditional Sabong in the Philippines: How Does It Work?

Traditional sabong is a cultural and historical practice in the Philippines, where cockfights take place in arenas organized within local communities. It involves in-person betting, rituals, and holds significant cultural significance in many regions of the country.

Pros of Traditional Sabong

Traditional sabong is associated with the following advantages:

  1. Preserving Traditional Breeding Practices: Traditional sabong promotes the use of traditional methods in breeding and raising gamecocks, preserving and promoting traditional agricultural knowledge and sustainable farming practices.
  2. Social Bonding and Community Engagement: Traditional sabong serves as a form of socialization, bringing people from different backgrounds together to enjoy the sport. It fosters social bonds and relationships among community members.
  3. Livelihood and Economic Impact: Sabong has been a source of livelihood for many Filipinos, particularly in rural areas where cockfighting plays a significant economic role. It provides income for breeders, trainers, handlers, and others involved in the industry.

Cons of Traditional Sabong

However, traditional sabong also has its drawbacks:

  1. Negative Impact on Rooster Populations: Traditional sabong encourages the breeding and training of gamecocks for fighting, which can have a detrimental impact on rooster populations.
  2. Animal Cruelty: One of the main concerns with traditional sabong is the inherent cruelty to animals. Cockfights involve roosters being forced to fight until one is unable to continue, resulting in severe injuries or death.
  3. Illegal Gambling: Despite being banned in some areas, traditional sabong is often associated with illegal gambling activities. This can lead to social and economic issues, including addiction, debt, and criminal activities associated with illegal gambling.

Risks and Challenges

Both online sabong and traditional sabong come with their own risks and challenges. Online sabong may face issues related to fraud, cheating, and technical difficulties, while traditional sabong may have limitations in terms of location and accessibility. It is essential for both formats to adhere to proper regulations and ethical practices.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, online sabong and traditional sabong such as online slot games are two distinct formats of cockfighting in the Philippines, each with its own features, advantages, and disadvantages. It is important to understand and appreciate the unique aspects of both formats while prioritizing ethical practices and safety measures. When engaging in any form of cockfighting, whether online or traditional, it is crucial to comply with local laws and regulations to ensure a responsible and lawful participation.

