Georgia Mrkvicka Westphal
1 min readJul 3, 2017

Every now and then my mind takes off on a wild tangent with me following to see what crazy thought it will lead me to now

Many decades ago it led me to the concept that perhaps we were micro life forms in the gut of god. The vast reaches of stars and galaxies are molecules and organs in our God or the bodies of other gods.

Dreams Ive had during high fevers and while receiving dilaudid for my broken back have reinforced this idea which goes along these lines; the atoms and molecules that make up our systems and bodies bare a strong resemblance to how solar systems are arranged and since it is all energy there is no reason not to think the organisms living in our gut and other body areas do not see the nucleuses of our atoms as suns. Perhaps we are just a niche in an ongoing Mandelbrot

Georgia Mrkvicka Westphal

77 trips around the sun and I’ve learned some new things about myself. The most fascinating, to me is that I’m Trans, and autistic and a bunch of other crazy