Embracing UX

My Journey of Discovery, Empathy and Creativity

4 min readAug 11, 2023

Sometimes, our life’s journey takes us on a path we never anticipated, with experiences that often lead us to unexpected destinations, guiding us to discover our true passion along the way. Little did I know that these experiences, coupled with my insatiable curiosity and love for learning, would lead me to a career in UX. From designing clothes or crafting projects with my parents during my childhood, to exploring new cultures, human behaviour, technology and web development, each step unknowingly cultivated the foundation of UX within me.

Creating an affinity map for one of my projects

A Childhood of Design and Iteration
In the 1990s and early 2000s, life in Romania presented significant challenges, primarily due to the legacy of communism and the subsequent transition to a market economy. Among the variety of difficulties, in the early years of transition, there was a scarcity of goods in stores due to disrupted supply chains and a lack of resources. Finding basic necessities was a significant challenge for many families, including mine. The ability to learn quickly and adapt fast played a crucial role in overcoming the obstacles.

So, growing up in a post-communism era where finding clothes that fit was a challenge, my ingenious mother became my personal tailor. She crafted clothes based on my specifications and ideas. We went through countless prototypes and iterations (even before I knew what those terms meant), unknowingly planting the seeds of the design thinking within me.

My parents, who were skilled craftsmen, perpetually engaged in home improvement projects, crafting, modifying or fixing something and lending their expertise to neighbours seeking assistance. Their resourcefulness and ability to find solutions gained them a reputation in the community.

I was not merely a witness to their work; I was passionately involved, fostering a love for hands-on creativity and empathetic problem-solving.

A Quest for Understanding and Diversity
After graduating with a Master’s Degree in Business Administration, I sought a deeper understanding of human behavior and empathy for those in need. This led me on a journey into psychology where I honed my skills as a listener and empathetic communicator.

I discovered later the fascinating world of neuroscience and learned that emotions play a significant role in decision making and user engagement. This fueled my desire to understand the intricacies of the human mind and how it interacts with technology.

Although I did not graduate this time (due to an inspiring and diverse work and travel journey in the USA), the experience enriched my understanding of people and communication.

The Intersection of Online Marketing and UX
While exploring my interests, I delved into online marketing, drawn to its dynamic nature and limitless potential. As I progressed in my marketing career, I noticed that I was naturally gravitating towards tasks that involved UX-related aspects. It was during this time that I began to grasp the importance of project management and comprehending product lifecycle stages, further solidifying my affinity for the holistic approach of UX.

Exploring Web Development
As my knowledge and skills expanded, I felt a yearning to combine my passions in a meaningful way and I really wanted a change. I couldn’t help but feel that I had found my calling — to create websites that would make a difference.

Throughout high school, I studied math and computer science, intrigued by the idea of crafting things using just a few lines of code. This fascination led me back to web development, exploring HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular and even took introductory Cisco courses to understand network intricacies.

This return to web development reignited my creativity. However, I couldn’t shake the feeling that coding alone wasn’t fulfilling my urge to create.

The Revelation of UX
One day, while researching best practices in website development, I came across the term “user experience (UX) design. Suddenly, everything clicked and I had an epiphany. I had unknowingly been on a UX journey all along, using my skills in design, prototyping, and understanding human needs to create meaningful solutions.

I decided to take a leap of faith and focus my career on UX design. It was a decision fueled by genuine excitement and a strong belief that this was the path I was meant to take. I enrolled in UX design courses and immersed myself in the principles of human-centered design, interaction design, and user research.

Throughout my learning journey, I felt an incredible sense of fulfillment and alignment with my true self. While working on UX projects, I discovered the joy of ideating, prototyping, and testing my designs.

Now, as a UX designer, I feel like I’ve found my true calling — a place where creativity and technology come together to craft meaningful and purposeful designs. It’s a role that not only satisfies my desire to create, but also fulfills my passion for understanding human behavior and making a positive impact on others.

This was a joyful and rewarding adventure, and I can’t wait to see where this journey takes me next. Each chapter of my life unknowingly equipped me with skills and perspectives that continue to shape my approach to UX.

I am eager to embark on new challenges, always learning and growing as a UX designer, knowing that every design I create has the potential to touch hearts, shape experiences and enhance people’s daily lives.

Thank you for stopping by to read my story about how I got to embrace UX.

Let’s connect! I’d love to chat about new opportunities or anything UX related. Check out my portfolio: georgiana.design

