How Do I Feel About Myself As An Older, Single Woman?

A whole bunch of opposites

Georgina Dorrington
5 min readJul 27, 2019

I’m 47. I never got married, didn’t have any children and am not even dating anyone seriously. So when I say I’m single, I really do mean that in the almost entirely literal sense. There’s just me, myself and I in my life. And it’s been that way for quite a long long time.

So, how do I feel about that?

I’m not always sure, actually. It would certainly make matters easier if I could be like one of those firm, resolute single women who revel in their status and their life and wouldn’t change a thing.

But, unfortunately, that’s not the case. It’s not that I’m unhappy. I just can’t quite muster that level of enthusiasm or, importantly, certainty. Not at this point. Maybe I don’t have some of the other things they have? I haven’t made the money that some have that helps you to enjoy a do-what-the-hell-you-like lifestyle. I am surrounded by a pretty complicated family, so that’s not very emotionally nourishing. And my friends are a bit more scattered around the country than I’d like.

So my single life has few too many gaps for it to be something I’m contented with.

Also, I’m slightly unsettled to find myself taking on an ‘eccentric’ label, too. One where I’m seen as a bit of a curiosity by…

