WFH: ApprenticeshipEveryone knows the world actual situation with the COVID-19 and some of his implications. We are called to maintain social distancing and…Mar 24, 2020Mar 24, 2020
Characteristics of a ProfessionalThere are a lot of areas in which a person can develop his personal career. In each of that there are a list of characteristics that a…Feb 12, 2020Feb 12, 2020
Personal ResponsibilityPersonal responsibility is related with the idea that human beings choose or otherwise cause their own actions. Some definitions talk…Jan 29, 2020Jan 29, 2020
Software Developer SkillsWhat are that abilities that a good software developer has to have? Is there a unique recipe for that?. The software architect Ricardo…Jan 9, 2020Jan 9, 2020
Apprentice MilestonesAs Pernix apprentice, I have to accomplish and keep doing some good practices. Like five months ago I started the program and now I have…Dec 23, 2019Dec 23, 2019
Company core valuesToday, many companies focus mostly on the technical aspects and forget what makes his company better and keep it on: that is the core…Dec 11, 2019Dec 11, 2019
How to be a better professionalThere is not a unique way to do it, if you search a little on internet you can find a lot of suggestions about how to grow like a…Nov 28, 2019Nov 28, 2019
Make, then grow.Requires some time to know that the situations happen because you create it, or as a result of actions that you or people around have made…Nov 14, 2019Nov 14, 2019
User StoriesWhat is a user story? Putting it simple, an user story is a high level definition of a requirement. Have to contain just enough…Oct 30, 2019Oct 30, 2019
Scrum Meeting: Participate EfficientlyEveryone of us has listen about meetings at the work, and in some cases people saying that they try to avoid them o simply that they get…Oct 10, 2019Oct 10, 2019