User Stories

Geovanny Cordero
2 min readOct 30, 2019


What is a user story? Putting it simple, an user story is a high level definition of a requirement. Have to contain just enough information to let the developers produce a reasonable estimate of the effort to implement it new feature. They have to be small and it is created from the perspective of the person who desires the new capability, usually a user or the customer of the system.

According to Kannan et al., (2019), user stories are written according the following template:

As a [type of user], I want [some goal] so that [some reason].

An example of a user history is: “As a user, I want to be able to provide best support service to my customer so that help my business to improve their popularity”

We can mention some of the benefits of user stories:

  • It help to achieve clarity across the team on what, for whom, why and when build a feature.
  • User stories stimulate the participation of non-technical members of the team. By his nature (non-technical language, writing by the perspective of a user role), any member can contribute to the project.
  • They help to define the entire product as a set of wisely-prioritized stories. This has to reflect the expected value for the user, complexity, dependencies and other business priorities.

Talking about agile methodologies, in Scrum projects, the Product Backlog is a list of user stories prioritized. These are taken into the Sprint Backlog in the Sprint Planning Meeting.

The user stories has not to be wrote by the developers, but I think that is so important to think like the future users of our systems, to make the interaction with the product that we are developing simple and better to they.

Git command

As part of improving my blog entries, I am going to talk about a command of git at the end of every one.

git checkout some-other-branch -- index.js

Whit this command, we can checkout a single file from another branch. It can be very useful if you destroy a file or if you need the changes you made in one file in another branch.

You can use the same trick to checkout one file from a specific commit:

git checkout 9146367 -- index.js


Kannan, V., Basit, M. A., Bajaj, P., Carrington, A. R., Donahue, I. B., Flahaven, E. L., … Toomay, S. M. (2019). User stories as lightweight requirements for agile clinical decision support development. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 0(0), 1–11.

Herrington, J. (2019, August 27). 10 Git Tricks to Save Your Time and Sanity. Retrieved October 30, 2019, from

