Dont cry over spilled milk

Gerald Byrd aka Tank the Poet
3 min readDec 4, 2023

Throughout my life, I have had moments and times of extreme frustration caused by adverse situations.

Once something happens, I would dwell on it and think about why it happened, what I could have done to change it, and all the damaging effects that would occur now that it has taken place.

This habit would force me to deal with the pain of the situation longer as well as put me into a negative mental and emotional space.

It also made it feel so much worse than it probably was.

And no matter how much I thought about it or lamented it, it never changed what had occurred.

Once I began to heal and become conscious of my unhealthy ways, this habit reminded me of an old saying that I often heard.

The phrase goes…don’t cry over spilled milk.

I had heard it for years but never really attached any real emphasis to it nor did I fully appreciate the gravity of those simple words.

Then one day while pouring some milk into my blender, it hit me. Once the milk has been spilled, no matter how much you cry it is impossible to pick up and salvage that milk. Moreover, even if you could pick it up you wouldn’t want it because it was on the floor.



Gerald Byrd aka Tank the Poet

Educator| Author| Speaker| Poet| Activist| Life enthusiast. My mission and purpose is to help men heal. I am here to write on your soul with my pen. Heal Him!