3 Questions I Want to Ask Startups in Developing Countries

I want to start a conversation.

Gerald Castillo
1 min readSep 25, 2015
  1. What got you into becoming an entrepreneur?
  2. How do you get others interested into becoming an entrepreneur? (And if you don’t plan to get others interested, why not?)
  3. What do you think is the best way to introduce entrepreneurship (and startups) to the youth?

Entrepreneurship is the closest thing we’ve got to making a change in society. To be able to disrupt age-old methods and create a revolution where people go on protests just to go against innovation is just amazing. A huge responsibility, yes; but still amazing. That itself is a necessity in developing countries.

But as much as we want to spread the beauty of creating startups and giving people an entrepreneurial mindset, developing countries are far away from becoming Silicon Valley. A lot of people are still stuck in traditional mindsets of creating businesses, as a result slowing down change.

I’d love to know your stories.

Recommend! Share! Anything that’d get this post in front of the startups I’m looking for. You’ll be helping out countries. I swear. I’m not kidding.

And if you’re a startup in a developing country, create responses! Add a note! I’d love to know your insights.

