What Woman Will You Be In Five Years? Trusting Yourself

Geraldine Le Meur
2 min readFeb 20, 2019


“Set objectives, but do not calculate. Remain curious and open to opportunities, you do not know where life will lead you.” Frederique Dame

Photo by Sammie Vasquez

Step It Up excerpt

The first piece of advice that Frederique Dame would give to a woman who wanted to launch out on their own is “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” It is better to reason your way through your fears than to live with the regret of not having done something you held close to your heart. When you feel fear, rather than asking, “What am I going to do?” with the risk of getting discouraged by more or less imaginary limits, ask yourself, “Why do I want to do this?” Roadblocks come from the “how?” You will always find people who will tell you you're going to have problems. If your “why” is strong, you will make that project a non-negotiable part of your personal mission, and you will figure out how to do it well. Everything in this project will be authentically aligned with your life path. There are so many ways to go from A to B. Frederique Dame’s “why” when she joined Uber was the quality of the team and the company’s vision. When you are aligned with your values, you have no regrets, even when you fail.

Step It Up!



Geraldine Le Meur

Entrepreneur | Investor | Board Member |Founding Partner The Refiners | San Francisco