Scrumbook — bringing an idea to life — part 2

Gerard Pietrykiewicz
7 min readAug 11, 2019

In the first part of this series, I’ve explained how I started implementing my idea for a paper notebook for SCRUM teams. With the initial prototype made in MS Word and printed on my own laser printer, I started to gather feedback.

In this article, I would like to describe how I used that initial learning to kick-start and iterative product development.

Finding a Designer

I am not a designer, I wouldn’t even claim to have a decent eye for little details and I don’t know much about preparing anything for print. I knew that I needed a proper designer to help me with the next version of the notebook. Finding the right person for the job turned out to be a bit of a hustle. As with any profession, there are many kinds of designers, and it seems to me like most of the popular form of design nowadays is digital for consumption in Social Media. However designing a notebook and making it ready for print is a different set of skills, many specialists turned my request down. There’s always an option to go to places like or However, I wanted to be much more involved in the design process so I wanted to find someone local, with whom I could meet face to face to talk about all the details. Here’s where a vast and well-groomed contact network comes handy. Within a few days, I found the…

