Gerard Abate
Gerard Abate

Gerard Abate, MD is a cardiologist with 30 years of practice and industry experience. During the first 14 years of his career, Dr. Abate was a non-invasive clinical cardiologist, in Williamsburg, VA. He practiced with a significant interest in lipidology, heart failure and atrial fibrillation. Dr. Abate started his industry career at Novartis Pharmaceuticals. He worked for several companies during his pharma career launching 4 drugs: Cardene IV, Lovaza, Multaq and Vascepa. He distinguished himself in designing and building medical affairs organizations in small pharma and then the diagnostic industries. Dr. Abate joined Quest Diagnostics from Atherotech, where he was Chief Clinical Officer. He oversaw clinical research, medical affairs including the medical science liaisons, medical science clinicians and Our Healthy Heart team. At Quest, he provided support to their cardiovascular testing division and then was head of Medical Affairs leading a team of over 70 across all specialty testing areas and genetics. Since leaving Quest, Dr. Abate has worked as a consultant/advisor to industry. He was been working with biotech, device and diagnostic startups. For United Health Products he designed and executed a pivotal trial for their core product, HemoStyp and wrote their peer reviewed published publication. He also wrote significant portions and led their PMA submission to the FDA for their class III indication.Other companies he is currently advising include IMEDRIX, Chronus Technologies, Rhythm Therapeutics and BaroPace. Dr. Abate earned a bachelor’s degree in biology from Fairleigh Dickinson University and his medical degree from the Universidad Cetec. He did his internal medicine residency at St. Vincent’s Medical Center of Richmond and a cardiology fellowship at The University of South Florida. He resides in Palm Coast, Florida.

Gerard Abate

Gerard Abate

Gerard Abate, MD is a cardiologist with 30 years of practice and industry experience. Dr. Abate started his industry career at Novartis Pharmaceuticals.