The AI Cambrian Explosion: Understanding the Impact on Our Lives

Gerardo Perez Duarte Marcoux
3 min readMar 22, 2023
Created in DreamStudio

Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most fascinating and disruptive technologies of our time. In recent years, we have seen exponential progress in the development of this technology, leading to what some call the “AI Cambrian Explosion”. As NVIDIA’s CEO mentions, we are at a historic moment, similar to the launch of the iPhone, where there is a disruptive change and a turning point to initiate an explosion of technological developments around AI.

This explosion of technological developments around AI has been driven by the emergence of new generative tools. The amount of new generative tools being developed today is enormous and has huge potential. From practical applications like real-time generative content creation, to more theoretical projects like neural networks capable of generating music and art, the possibilities are endless. These generative tools also have huge potential in education and research, as they allow students and scientists to interact with data in a completely new way.

However, all this progress does not come without challenges. As AI becomes more advanced, it also becomes more difficult to understand. The explainability of AI algorithms is a major challenge, as their complexity makes it difficult to know exactly how the algorithm works and how it arrives at its conclusions. This…



Gerardo Perez Duarte Marcoux

I am a computer engineer working on blockchain, Internet of Things, Machine Learning and Computer Visión. I work at a Research Center in Technology Proyects.