Numerical Simulation of Projectile Motion: Exploring Trajectories and Dynamics with Euler Method

Kaelyn Parris
14 min readJun 12, 2023


This article is a condensed version of my paper on simulating projectile motion for a general audience. The details of the calculations are located in this repository.


This article presents a numerical simulation of projectile motion using Newton’s laws. The simulation investigates projectile motion with and without air resistance. Using the Euler method for numerical integration, the trajectory, range, maximum height, and time of flight of projectiles are analyzed under various launch conditions. The simulation results are visualized, accompanied by graphs of dynamical variables, facilitating a comprehensive understanding of the projectile’s behavior throughout its motion.


Background on projectile motion

When an object is given an initial velocity and is affected by gravitational acceleration and air resistance, it follows a specific path known as projectile motion. Athletes often perform this type of movement in sports like baseball, football, and shooting. The trajectory of a projectile is the path it takes while in motion.

To analyze projectile motion, an idealized model is often used. This model assumes that the projectile is a particle with constant acceleration due to gravity, disregarding factors like air resistance, earth’s curvature, and rotation. While this model has limitations, it still provides valuable insights into projectile motion.

Projectile motion occurs in a vertical plane defined by the initial velocity’s direction. Gravity purely affects the projectile’s motion in the vertical direction, restricting it to two dimensions. The xy-coordinate plane is where the motion occurs, with the x-axis horizontal and the y-axis vertical. This results in a parabolic trajectory.

The key to analyzing projectile motion is treating the horizontal and vertical coordinates as separate components. The horizontal and vertical motions are independent, with the former having a constant velocity and the latter experiencing a constant downward acceleration of -g (where g is positive in the chosen coordinate system). By treating the motion as a combination of the two components, we can express the projectile’s position, velocity, and acceleration as separate equations for the horizontal and vertical motions.

This is an example of the independence of perpendicular motion. An object dropped from rest will reach the ground at the same time as an object thrown horizontally from the same height.

Since the acceleration is constant we use the kinematic equations. We will start by setting up the kinematic equations and the dynamical variables so the reader understands the splitting of components and also the pattern in the equations themselves that will prove useful later. Later on we will take a “backwards” approach and use Newton’s law to derive the kinematic equations and other equations we need.

The Kinematic Equations

In this case the acceleration is -g in the y-direction and 0 in the x-direction. The kinematic equations in terms of x are:

Let’s break down each equation.

Due to the independence of perpendicular motion, changing components simply requires changing the subscript and x to y.

These equations are fundamental in analyzing the motion of objects under constant acceleration. They allow us to determine various quantities such as displacement, velocity, acceleration, and time in a given scenario.

In this case, we are interested in the motion of a projectile. We can use these equations to determine the projectile’s position, velocity, and acceleration in the x and y directions.

Applying the equations to our projectile motion scenario, we get the following:

From these core kinematic equations we can derive other useful equations for projectile motion.

Maximum height

Time of Flight:


Maximum Height Redux

Theoretical Framework

Overview of Newton’s Laws of Motion

Newton’s laws of motion provide a fundamental framework for understanding the motion of objects. These laws, formulated by Sir Isaac Newton in the 17th century, describe the relationship between the motion of an object and the forces acting upon it. The three laws are:

  1. Newton’s First Law (Law of Inertia): An object at rest will remain at rest, and an object in motion will continue in motion with constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force.
  2. Newton’s Second Law (Law of Acceleration): The acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force applied to it and inversely proportional to its mass.
  3. Newton’s Third Law (Law of Action-Reaction): For every force there is an force paired with it that is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.

Understanding Newton’s laws of motion is crucial for analyzing the behavior of projectiles and predicting their trajectories under the influence of external forces such as gravity and air resistance.

Introduction to Numerical Integration Methods

Numerical integration methods play a vital role in simulating and analyzing projectile motion. These methods provide a means to approximate the behavior of objects by discretizing time and numerically calculating their positions, velocities, and accelerations at discrete time intervals.

Euler Method

One commonly used numerical integration method is the Euler method. It is a straightforward approach that approximates the derivative of a function using finite differences. In the context of projectile motion, the Euler method can be employed to numerically integrate the equations of motion and determine the trajectory of the projectile.

The Euler method involves dividing the time interval into small steps and updating the position and velocity of the projectile based on the current values and the calculated acceleration at each time step. While the Euler method is relatively simple to implement, it has some limitations, such as accumulating error over long integration periods and being sensitive to step size.

The mathematics behind the Euler method will be discussed in more detail in the next section, where we dive into the math details.

Brief Mention of Other Integration Methods

In addition to the Euler method, various other numerical integration methods exist, offering different levels of accuracy and stability. Some commonly used integration methods in the context of projectile motion include:

  • Runge-Kutta Methods: These are a family of numerical integration methods that provide higher accuracy compared to the Euler method by considering multiple intermediate steps. The fourth-order Runge-Kutta (RK4) method is particularly popular for its balance between accuracy and computational efficiency.
  • Verlet Integration: Verlet integration is a symplectic integration method commonly used for simulating conservative systems. It can be advantageous in certain cases where energy conservation is important.
  • Adaptive Integration Methods: These methods dynamically adjust the step size during the integration process to maintain a desired level of accuracy. Adaptive integration can help mitigate error accumulation and improve the efficiency of simulations.

Calculating Projectile Motion

With the foundational material out of the way we can begin setting the stage for our specific problem, and where the necessity of the simulation will come into play.

To begin with, we will explore projectile motion without drag, introduce retarding forces, and then finally introduce drag.

Projectile Motion Without Drag

Solving Newton’s Laws

Newton’s second law for projectile motion in two dimensions is as follows:

Using the independence of perpendicular motion, we split the forces into x and y components. And since the only force acting on the projectile is gravity, the x-direction will not have any resulting force.

Where the constant of gravity is given to three significant figures as g = 9.8 m/s².

Reviewing the dynamical variables for our system we have the following:

Solving For Position

Solving For Speed

Solving For The Magnitude of the Position Vector

Solving For Maximum Range

Retarding Forces And The Need For Numerical Methods

At this point, all the system’s dynamical variables have been solved. The equations following the model configurations provide all the information about the system. Integrating air drag makes things interesting, as it no longer allows for a closed-form equation solution. Approximation methods become necessary in this case.

Retarding Forces

A retarding force is a force that acts in the opposite direction of the motion of the particle. In the case of projectile motion the retarding force is air drag.

But handling drag, or any other retarding force is the same as handling multiple forces, the superposition principle applies. So we can add the retarding force to the equation of motion:

In this case the retarding force is a function of the velocity of the particle. We usually approximate the retarding force as some power of velocity. Keep in mind this by itself, is another approximation in our model, and retarding forces are usually far more complicated.

Where this model is useful is where the speed doesn’t vary greatly.

The Power Law Approximation

The power law approximation is a common approximation for retarding forces. It is given by:

Where k is the strength of the retarding force, and n is a power.

Where the velocity is less than 24 m/s n is taken to be 1, and for velocities between 24 m/s and the speed of sound n is taken to be 2.

Air Drag

Air resistance is called drag. It is a retarding force that is proportional to the square of the velocity of the particle and points opposite to the direction of motion.

Keep in mind we are only adding in one other force that would be acting on an object undergoing projectile motion. There are also non-conservative forces from;

  • Lift — this is perpendicular to drag and is caused by the shape of the projectile
  • Spin from the projectile
  • Oscillation of the projectile

Also, the velocity usually doesn’t point along the symmetry access of the projectile.

So for our cases we will take the power of the retarding force to be 2. From here we can integrate the retarding force into our previous calculation, and see how it diverges.

Adding in air drag

The details of the calculation when drag is added in results in the following equation:

This is a transcendental equation and cannot be solved analytically. We can solve it numerically however.

Using The Euler Method To Solve The Transcendental Equation Numerically

The first step to solving a differential equation using numerical methods is to convert the differential equation into a difference equation. A difference equation is an equation that relates the values of a function to the previous values of the function.

The most straightforward difference equation is a first-order difference equation, which the following initial value problem can represent:

dy/dt = f(t, y)
y(t = 0) = y_0

Here, t represents the independent variable, y represents the unknown function, and f(t, y) denotes the derivative of y with respect to t.

The Euler Method is a first-order numerical approximation technique that approximates the solution of the above difference equation. It involves dividing the interval of interest into smaller subintervals and updating the approximate values of y at each step using the following equation:

y(t + Δt) = y(t) + Δt * f(t, y)

Here, Δt represents the step size, y(t) is the approximate value of y at time t, and y(t + Δt) is the updated approximate value at t + Δt.

The Euler Method is called a first-order method because it is accurate to the first order in Δt.

All the background mathematics have been laid out. From here the article will describe the simulation.

Simulation Setup

The simulation is written using Python and implements the VPython framework for visualization. The code was originally visualized in Glowscript, a website that allows the user to execute code with VPython statements in it from the browser. It has since been moved to Jupyter Notebook for presentation, but still running the program in Glowscript provides the best experience.

In order to use VPython in a Jupyter Notebook the following import statement is required:

import vpython import *

From here, the rest of the simulation code is straightforward. The author wants to highlight specific parts of the code that are important to the simulation.

The first is the timestep.


When using the Euler method for numerical integration, the choice of timestep (dt) plays a crucial role in determining the accuracy and stability of the results. The timestep represents the size of each time increment used in the numerical approximation.

The Euler method approximates the solution of a differential equation by updating the values of the dependent variable at discrete time intervals based on the current values and the derivative. The update equation in the Euler method is given by:

y(t + dt) = y(t) + dy/dt * dt

The choice of timestep affects the accuracy and precision of the numerical approximation. If the timestep is too large, the Euler method may introduce significant errors in the solution. This is because the method assumes the derivative is constant over the entire timestep, which may not hold for rapidly changing functions or complex systems.

When the timestep is small, the Euler method provides a better approximation by capturing finer details and reducing the truncation error. Smaller timesteps allow for more frequent updates of the dependent variable, resulting in a more accurate approximation of its behavior.

For the simulation expressly, the timestep is set to 0.01. This is a good value for the simulation because it is small enough to provide a good approximation of the solution but not so small that it takes a long time to run.

Force Function

Next up is the force function.

Here is the version without drag.

def Fnet():

Fnetx = 0
Fnety = -m*g
Fnetz = 0

return vector(Fnetx, Fnety, Fnetz)

Here the only necessary information to calculate the force is the graviational constant g, since the force is constant.

Here is the version with drag.

def Fnet(v): # since we are calculating drag we need the velocity

Fdrag_mag = m*v.mag # [N].

vuv = v/v.mag #Calculate a unit vector in the direction of the velocity.
Fnetx = -vuv.x * Fdrag_mag
Fnety = -m*g - vuv.y * Fdrag_mag
Fnetz = -vuv.z * Fdrag_mag

return vector(Fnetx, Fnety, Fnetz)

Here the calculation becomes more involved. Since drag depends on the projectile’s velocity, we have to pass velocity in as a function argument. Then the unit vector in the velocity direction is calculated, the magnitude of the drag using the power law approximation, and then the two are multiplied by each other to get the drag force vector.

Since the vector must point in the opposite direction of the velocity, we multiply the drag force vector by -1. Then the function returns the resultant force as a vector.

Numerical Loop

Lastly we have the numerical loop. This is where the Euler method is implemented. The loop is shown below:

while r.y >= -0.1: # Stop the simulation when the projectile hits the ground.
ball.pos = r # update the position of the projectile with every iteration of the loop

# plots the position of the projectile as the time changes

# Plots the velocity of the projectile as the time changes.

T = (0.5)*m*v.mag**2
U = m*g*r.y
# Plots the energy of the projectile as the time changes.

# Report information about projectile
if(v.y < 0.1 and v.y > -0.1):
print('Max Height: t = ',t,'s | ','vy = ', v.y ,'m/s | y = ', r.y ,'m')
if(r.y < 0.1 and r.y > -0.1):
print('Time to ground: t = ' , t , 's | y = ' , r.y , 'm | x = ', r.x ,' m')

# Use Newton's 2nd Law to update the ball's position and velocity.
t = t + dt
f = Fnet(v)
a = f/m
v = v + a*dt
if v.mag > 24:
# This check is used to make sure the velocity does not exceed 24 m/s
# If it does, the power used must change from 1 to 2
print("velocity above 24 m/s")
r = r + v*dt


Notice that we calculate the acceleration using the force function and then use it to update the velocity and position before starting the loop again.

Visualization And Interpretation Of Results

No Drag

From here, we can see that the energy changes from kinetic to potential energy, then back to kinetic energy. The energy of the system as a whole remains constant since there is no non-conservative work.


One noticeable contrast between the two simulations is that the projectile with drag has a significantly reduced range compared to the one without. This is because the drag force is directly proportional to the square of the velocity. Therefore, as the velocity increases linearly, the drag force increases quadratically. This results in the projectile losing its speed at a higher rate than the one without drag.

One notable distinction is that the system’s energy is no longer consistent due to non-conservative work. The drag force is responsible for this non-conservative work, resulting in a gradual decrease in the system’s energy over time.


In conclusion, the Euler method is a straightforward and effective way to solve differential equations numerically. It is straightforward to implement and can solve various differential equations. It is also straightforward to implement in a simulation.

By visualizing the two situations and comparing them, we gain valuable insights into the physical situation of projectile motion. We can immediately see a difference both in energy and range. Remember that the Euler method is not the most accurate for solving differential equations. Many other methods are more accurate and can solve more complex differential equations. However, the Euler method is a good starting point and can be used to gain a basic understanding of the situation.

The primary thing to remember is that the projectile motion of actual physical objects is much more complicated than the simple model presented here, even with the drag taken into account and turning the model into one that can no longer be solved analytically.

In reality, many other forces are acting on the projectile. We need to add these forces to the simulation to obtain a more accurate projectile motion model. However, we can take this simulation as a starting point and build upon it to create a more accurate model.


