Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate or GDAPC- Update №2- Reset, My Plans for 2022

Gerianne Escandor
2 min readJan 22, 2022


What didn’t happen:
-I was unable to complete Google Data Analytics online course by December 2021.
-Mentorship did not push through. My mentor went AWOL so I didn’t learn much.

Why was I unable to complete the course by December 2021?
I focused more on personal matters towards the end of the year, primarily my mental and physical health.

How will I proceed now?
I am still pushing through with my course. I still intend to complete it. My new deadline is Midyear, so June 2022.

Other news:
If you are a Singaporean or a PR and are interested in taking a Google Professional Certificate course, the government has partnered with Google to assist with developing your skills in the digital economy. You may find more information here.

I am neither a Singaporean nor a PR so I am not entitled for the programmes. However, I am pleasantly surprised knowing that Singapore will acknowledge my certificate once I receive it. Before this news, I was a bit concerned if the organisations here will accept this online course as a formal training. Now I am relieved that they will.

So here’s to a new year and to new beginnings. Fingers crossed this year will be better than last.

