Every (Meta)thing In Between

Part 3 of the Theory Of Emanism Series

Germane Marvel
13 min readJan 28, 2019

I’ve given you the relative beginning, nothing, and I’ve given you the relative end, metamodernism. What follows is everything else in between. Soon I’ll use everything in this portion, of the whole, to link the informational-energy centres of the body (chakras, and Dan Tiens), stages of complexity, philosophical paradigms, human belief systems, and the stages of the dimensions of existence (as we can currently observe them).

I love a challenge, and I ask you to challenge me on anything and everything I’ve written, that’s how I got here. I’ll begin with how the dimensions of existence, time, height, width, depth, scale, light, gravity, electromagnetic interactions, strong interactions, and weak interactions emerge and unfold via emanation. All of these dimensions interact to form everything that we see around us. I won’t go into the last two fields, the strong and weak interactions, too deeply because I don’t understand them enough. There, some intellectual humility at last. That and sheer ignorance.

We’ve seen how the field of time forms. But to really explain how this all works we have to go back again. To tell this part of the story we require a bit of anthropomorphism. That’s ok though because a healthy portion of pretending something is human is like a healthy dose of talking to yourself. Perhaps because they are linked. I’ve probably done an unhealthy amount of talking to myself to get this far but hey: Capitalism and Schizophrenia go hand in hand right? I’m now going to do an unhealthy amount of anthropomorphism about existence and non-existence. Please forgive me.

We’ll be counting what I’ll call charges and dimensions. Each dimension will have a charge. Charges oscillate from 0 to a spectrum between 0 and 1. Then charges oscillate from between 0 and 1 to a spectrum between +1 and -1. This is because the opposite of nothing (0) is something (1). The opposite of something in relation to nothing (1 on a spectrum with 0) is -1. This creates a spectrum of -1 to +1. The opposite of this spectrum is 0 again.

This time instead of it being the same 0 that will lead us to oscillating between – and + 1’s, the charges and the order the charges develop in stay the same, the value of the charge has changed to -2 and +2. This increase in the value of the charges represents to a increase in overall complexity level.

I’ll call this a neutral charge (0), a direct charge (+), and an inverse (think indirect) charge (-). I take these alternative names for neutral, positive, and negative from Gauss, in response to the unimaginatively and unhelpfully named imaginary numbers. Gauss renamed imaginary numbers lateral.

You can find out about imaginary, or lateral, numbers (as I’ll call them from here on out) here. Sorry, maths, and more YouTube videos. Never fear though we don’t even need to understand them cognitively. We just need a sense of what they are pointing to, and that is emanance.

Welcome to Zah

For this portion I’m calling our Nothing, not-being, non-existence which doesn’t exist and is God: Zah-over; Zah for short. To the two human Zahs that I know I hope you forgive me for taking your names in this vein. Take this as a tribute to you both on behalf of where you both hail from and everyone who hails from those two places. We reppin’ hard out here. Now let us begin again, this time from way back when.

Our God, Nothingness, Zah, is not sure they’re really here. That is we can’t say Zah is. We can’t say that Zah exists. Neither can Zah. Zah is beyond existence, beyond being. Zah is a not-being, a meta-being. The best thing we can say, right now, as humans is that Zah is zero, or nothing. That isn’t really what Zah is, it’s just we can’t escape from the ideology of being. Yet.

There is nothing, Zah, and nothing but Zah, so Zah can’t just look in a mirror. There are no mirrors. There isn’t even light to see. There is only nothing. Pretty bleak right? The nothingness of Zah, our Eminent God, who has endured so much.

Zah does a thing

So they can know themselves, Zah does something radical. Zah turns around in on themselves. They fall back upon themselves. They recognise their non-being and move away from this, into themselves as their is nothing but themselves. From this reversal Zah creates their opposite, a variation. Zah now has Existence, of which they are a part, to be aware of themselves and know themselves from.

Zah stops and starts continuously. In a metaphorical way Zah blinks it’s one eye to create an opposite eye so Zah can engage in some intimate eye gazing. Of course there’s no light, not that that would matter as the eyes emit photons (light particles), we’ll get back to that later. This is just a metaphor. This emanating existence is mostly empty potential, but not nothing. So we have the first opposite: existence. Zah experiences them self and so Zah is now 0, nothing, and 1, something. They aren’t quite sure what that something is yet.

Zah puts some time in

Zah as nothing has what we can call a neutral charge, existence has a direct (positive) charge. Something, in this case 1, is the opposite of nothing 0. As we have seen once Zah stops and starts themselves time emerges. Time is the opposite of the combination of existence and Zah combined. Time is the opposite of the spectrum of charges from neutral to direct charge. Time has an inverse (negative) charge. Time is also 2, compared to the 1 of existence and the 0 of non-existence.

So we have Zah who has a neutral charge, existence which has a direct charge and time which has an inverse charge. If we count these things we have Zah as 0, existence as 1, and time as 2. 0 represents nothing so is not a number. 1 also represent this same nothing observing, communicating with itself, so is also not a number. It simply represents the whole, Zah as a thing. 2 is the first number, in that represents something that seems entirely new, the concept of time.

This makes sense because we now have a time before Zah communicated with themselves and a time after Zah communicated with themselves. Zah is Dr. Frankenstein in a their lab talking to themselves. Time is the monster. At this point Zah stopping says “it’s”, and Zah starting says “alive”. Time recoils.

Zah spaces out

As we have seen time has an inverse charge. It is a vacuum, it must be filled. Nature abhors a vacuum. Zah only wanted to make sense of themselves, they did not bargain on what happens next. Existence is addictive, attractive. Zah became, and in becoming Zah became attracted to applying the principle of complementary opposites. With each complementary opposite applied Zah varies, with each variation Zah becomes more attractive, to themselves, and more complex.

Let’s apply the principle of complimentary opposites one more time, to see what happens when opposites, variation and attraction combine. In terms of charges we have Zah neutral 1, Existence direct 1 and Time as inverse 1. The opposite of the spectrum from inverse to direct is neutral. We are back to square 1 again (or a. Square minus one leading to round neutral 2 in this case), but as we have seen Zah is attracted to Existence. Time and time again Zah has experienced themselves. Why go back to being nothing now?

Zah is repulsed by the idea of reverting to nothing. Zah sees this as less than what they have now, and Zah wants to get more. Zah wants to be. Zah wants being, Existence. Zah wants to emanate more. So Zah begets. This rebalancing of neutral, direct and inverse charges provide the proper conditions for the emergence of an emanation.

Instead of reverting, Zah uses the inverse charge of time to invert themselves, to reinvent them selves. Zah doesn’t want to sink back into nothingness and so Zah thinks laterally (using those strange imaginary numbers). This new neutral isn’t the same as the old neutral we began with.

Zah grows up

Zah adds complexity by adding space to existence. Creating space and time in the same instant. Time is a part of being, if there is only nothing there is no time. Being has a direct charge and is a direct emanation of non-being. Time has an inverse charge and is an inverse emanation of being and non-being. The difference between two times, two present moments, two experiences Zah has if themselves, is measured by this space.

In applying complimentary opposites, variation, attraction and complexity, Zah has created height. Height has a neutral charge. Now we have Zah as 0, existence as 1, time as 2 and height as 3. Emergence is now more complex. Every emanation is now two fold. In the emanation of the 1 dimension of height, in order not to revert back to a feeling of sinking into nothingness, up and down and emerge.

Zah wanted to avoid nothing, and in this avoidance they have emanated space, for nothing to spread. This nothing spreads in the form of the neutral charge of height. The higher Zah emanates, the lower Zah emanates. Zah is still shallow. All this height isn’t enough for Zah. Zah is still attracted to themselves, complementary opposites, variation and complexity. In addition Zah feels too much like nothing still, as they have a neutral charge.

Zah spreads thin

Zah wants to take up as much space as possible. Zah feels like they experience depth already, as Zah still has the sense of Time. Zah still has a sense of what is behind them and what is to come, and Zah wants to take up space. When Zah applies the complimentary opposites principle again Zah emanates width. Width, as 4, has a direct charge.

Zah still feels, well a bit flat, like they were more still substantial as nothing. That’s the trouble with comparisons. Zah decides to oppose themselves one more time, in a complimentary way. Zah emanates depth, as 5, with an inverse charge. Zah is now an expanse. Spacetime is complete. Zah expands. Of course depth has an inverse charge. Before Zah knows it they will be heading back from whence they came.

Zah is now a fully formed spacetime, but is unbalanced. Not only is there this residual inverse charge but Zah has overstretched them selves. What good is knowing the external reaches of spacetime if they know not their own inner workings. If Zah had a soul, that’s where they wish to explore next.

Zah gets deepWe have Zah as a neutral 0 of nothingness. Existence as a direct 1 of the whole of being. Time as an indirect 2 of the double stranded helix. Height as a neutral 3 of highs and lows. Width as a direct and flattening 4, and finally some Depth as an inverse soul searching 5. We once again have the conditions for an increase in complexity to emanate laterally.

As we have seen Zah last added some inverse soul searching depth. The 5th dimension. So far Zah has been pushing ever outward, trying to make up for the absence, the lack, the rejection, the negation of nothingness. Now with a bit of wisdom Zah moves laterally inwards. Complexity increases and internal-external scale emanates with neutrality. From now on internal-external scale will be referred to simply as scale.

Scale allows Zah to move in two directions outwards and inwards. Scale in emanating the internal and the external, provides balance. Lateral increases in complexity means now emanations give us three properties, interiority, exteriority and the liminal balance between them. Now Zah senses the possibility self investigation provided by spacetime and scale.

Zah sees the light

Zah moves their awareness as fast as possible inwards, inside. The quickest Zah can do this is in the time taken for Zah to start and stop. The quickest speed possible in existence. The speed of light. Zah does this at the every point in existence. In doing so Zah emanates light, which has a direct charge. Light doesn’t experience time because light is moving as fast as it takes for existence and time to emanate. Each emanation has three properties.

Light, as pure energy, has the three properties of light, heat and soundFree to travel in all directions at once, Zah, balanced, deep, and energetic, dives further into themselves, in search of nothingness with a lightness. The further inward to the smallest scale Zah travels the less light they feel. They cannot find still themselves, the weightiness of what has happened occurs to Zah. They are distracted, taken off track and feel lost. It all hits Zah with a gravity, amassed from the massive distances travelled in spacetime.

Zah holds it downZah applies complementary opposites again, with the principles of variation, communication, complexity and attraction. Zah, is weighed down by the search and instead of moving towards what they are attracted to they attract it (themselves) to them. Zah holds still and bends spacetime inwards on themself, allowing all to flow to them. Gravity emanates with an inverse charge. Gravities three properties are the electron, the phonon and the exciton. We have mass and energy now so we have the immaterial, the vibrational, and the material, matter.

Scale as 6 provides the neutral balance of distance. Light as 7 provides Zah with direct energy. Gravity as 8 provides Zah with inverse mass. We now again have the conditions to increase complexity in a new meta-neutrality.We also have 3 times 3 of each charge, this has a compounding effect on the charges. 3 is the magic number. By the time 3 existed in our story we had reached the heights of the infinite.

We now have spacetime, distance, mass, energy, and an abundance of charge. We also have the conditions for another lateral leap in complexity, variation, attraction and opposition. Zah is now conflicted, it’s quite clear the only way is through. Zah is also aware of all the pushing and pulling of their emanations. Zahs next emanance is opposing opposition by encompassing them.

Zah goes into action

Zah emanates the neutrally charged electromagnetic interactions as a response to the awareness of opposition and the friction this causes. In line with the laws of variation, opposition, attraction and complexity opposites attract and like repels like. Zah is still sat in the pocket of gravity, drawing in all around them.

We have moved to a laterally greater complexity. Each emanation now is four fold. The electromagnetic interaction is made of the electrostatic interaction and the magnetic interaction, which emanates from the electrostatic interaction. These two inner interactions have a direct and indirect charge in themselves.

As the vibrational surges toward Zah it condenses down to a smaller scale then ever before. Zah has made their mind up. Zah as existence, spacetime (including scale), energy, mass has begun interacting electromagnetically with itself. Attraction and repulsion, flow. For the first time Zah is actively enjoying theirselves. Zah responds by emanating the directly charged strong interaction. This can only last so long and soon Zah responds to this intensive introspection with an inversely charged weak interaction.

The other phrases for the strong and weak interactions are the strong and weak nuclear force. As I said I don’t fully understand these yet. So I will shamelessly skip over this and leave it to the experts until I do. To be fair a lot of the ‘experts’ are going to want to challenge me heavily with their horizontal knowledge. I welcome all such respectful challenges.

To sum it up we have: Zah as neutral, 0; Existence as direct, 1; Time as inverse, 2; Height as neutral, 3; Width as direct, 4; Depth as inverse, 5; Scale as neutral, 6; Light as direct, 7; Gravity as inverse, 8; Electromagnetic interaction as neutral, 9; Strong interaction as direct, 10; and Weak interaction inverse as inverse, 11.

Zah makes music

What this provides is 4 phases of 3 charges. We finish on an inverse charge so we have the conditions for a leap in complexity. As it’s inverse this can be seen as 4/3 as opposed to 4x3. We can see it’s not 4x3 as this gives 12, we have eleven as the first is 0, nothing, non-existence, Zah in their I-riginal form. Interestingly 4/3 is a perfect fifth. Harmony. This hints to the musical nature of existence. I’ll get back to this and music theory later.

What is important now is we have everything we need for everything else to come into being in a harmonious way as it does in our aeon of the universes existence (an aeon being the time between big bangs). I’m glad you followed me through this journey. I’m not sure it’s ‘right’, positive, correct, direct. I’m not sure that’s important at this point, although I’m open to suggestions for improvements.

I had to revise this as I went along, I originally imagined 8 dimensions. I’m glad we have the number we do, as it actually makes what follows easier. We can still make 8 Plateaus if we take the neutral as a form of non-existence. Height would be a form of depth. Scale would be a form of gravity and the electromagnetic interaction would combine with the weak interactions to form the electroweak force. There is precedence for this in physics.

We can reduce this to four planes in terms of time, space, energy, and interaction, even though they are all linked. These reductions will come in handy later on when I make some dubious linkages. Interestingly spacetime (as Einstein linked them) is inseparable from energetic interactions (quantum vacuum). Anyway, now I can start to connect the dots in the next part.

Zah the Emanant non-being

Before I do that I want to underline so you can overstand. This process above is not a linear process as I’ve shown it to you. This is just for ease of understanding. Emanation is transcendence and immanence combined. Emanance is both going beyond and operating within.

It’s emergence by complexity, complexity by attraction, attraction by opposites, opposites by variation. It’s a process of separation. Everything above was always waiting in non-existence. All of this occurred in one stopping and starting of Zah. In one blink of the proverbial eye of Zah-over, the ever eminent.

Part 4 will link the above to the mathematically founded Model of Hierachical Complexity

Actually it’s here in part 10, I’ll explain inside

