Meta Mortality: Rituals of Rememberance

Part 8 of the Theory of Emanism

Germane Marvel
5 min readAug 29, 2019

The love of magic can appear childlike. When I’m a child I’m much closer to the experience of Mystery than when I’m an adult. As a newborn baby I had recently left the greatest mystery of what I was before I was born. Everything was magic. Anything that happens that I have no explanation for how it happens is magical to me in this sense. If can consciously articulate something completely it loses its magic to an extent. I then overstand it.

This explains why I sometimes feel there is a magical feeling sewn across all of existence, even in things I’m familiar with. At the same time this is why sometimes it seems that nothing’s magic, because it feels I’m able to know all the rules of existence, and so how things are going to play out. We’ve seen, with the goest and the invironment, as soon as I know everything I’ll forget everything. To know everything in the first place I must first know my self. When I did know myself I would see through myself and everything else, and all would become hidden to me, again. I would have no idea(s).

My memories are all I have. They seem to be all I am. Yet my memories are only ideas. They’re ideas I have about one ends, from the lens of another ends. In other words they’re ideas I have about one present moment experience (ends) from the perspective (the lens) of another later present moment experience (‘later’ as in when I lens through spacetime, time appears linear, straightforward. I’ll come back to this. In time).

I rely on a set of remembrance states, and rituals of remembering, in order to exist. Without them I forget I exist. In the story of Zah, I begin with nothing. This is a state of non remembrance, the zeroth state of rememberence. With no memory, I don’t exist to myself. The zeroth ritual of rememberance is do I exist. After that all I have are my experiences, as a goest and the invironment. Free of time.

Over time, as we saw, when I remember, as opposed to ignore, I navigate my world more smoothly. We then saw that If I don’t remember I’ll start to discriminate, sometimes without intent, and most times in a way that detracts from the experience of another, and, so, myself. After this we’ll see that my morals and identity are related to memory. The longer we have been remembering, recalling, the memories the more they shape us as the person we and our loved ones know us as.

I’m under all these rituals, processes. As being I exist. As time I move, I change. As space I compare time. As light I travel throughout spacetime in an instant, everywhere. As gravity, I connect, I attract spacetime. As the electromagnetic force I repel and attract, creating waves, patterns of information, vibrations.

On another level I do this as quantum trading of charged particle/wave information. On another dimension I keep myself together, as stable matter, atoms. Then as chemicals, as biology, as ecology. As a member of society. I’m under processes of time always moving, of gravity always connecting, of matter always dying, decaying.

I’m under the process of gravity, loosely binding me, recalling me to the earths central mass, and the earth to the suns central mass, and the sun to the galaxies central mass. I ‘remember’ to connect to the earth, the earth ‘remembers’ to connect to the sun, the sun connects to our central black hole. I connect to them, and they connect to me. The ritual is to connect, to attract.

The more connections the stronger the loose binding gets over a further distances. If I ‘forget’ I loose the connection. We separate and drift aimlessly in a straight line. Electromagnetism ‘remembers’ that like repels like and opposite attracts. It provides balance to gravity. It’s a balance coming from gravity. The ritual on this level is to attract the different, and to repel the same. The more difference and the more of the similarity, the stronger the resulting attraction and repulsion.

In order to exist atoms must remember to hold their formation, keeping all their atomic particles together and not breaking down into quantum particles. However the quantum particles remembers then ignore this and remembers to trade charged particles between themselves. Keeping mostly balanced but leading to some decay.

Molecules too have a similar remembrance quality and we can build this up to the level of anything in our invironment, such as a star or a bridge, or you and me. Each of these remembered states have different remembrance rituals. Each different remembrance ritual has different rules. Each remembrance state in theory could line up against Zah’s journey.

At each stage Zah had to recall something new, from the stage before. Otherwise Zah would think themselves nothing again. And remember: remembering is a process involving recall. The recalled memory is then encoded and stored again, strengthening and some times altering the memory. Here the memory can be seen an idea of one ends lensed from another ends. Ends plural, because we have to keep it moving, through time.

If I’m not able to recall how to keep my state and keep moving through time, at the same time, my form breaks down to previous stage of its journey. A atom or cell is the same. When my human body forgets how to regenerate it’s self, forgets how to reform and recall it’s functional structure and how to move through time at the same time, it ages and eventually dies. The idea lives beyond, in other humans. The idea of me lives on in the underlying idear of me.

When I talk of rituals of remembrance, I’m talking about the process we take to overstand magic. This particular magic being memory. Processes, rituals of remembering: who I am, who I was, who I wanted to be, who I could have become, who I could become still, and the all of connections I’ve made along the way. When I overstand some thing I am able to articulate it. To overstand I must first understand.

This means I can both talk about magic, show what magic is and so do magic. This overstanding of magic makes magic become more magick to me. It’s not magic to me, it’s magick. If I wasn’t able to articulate it it would still be magic, a neat and yet chaotic, compartmentalised mystery. It might strike terror deep down inside near the felt source of me. Emotional discord might come ringing up causing me to react and respond with ignorance. We’ve seen where that leads. If I was able to articulate it would then become magick, separated from white magic after time I could then give it a more suitable name. Chemistry over Alchemy for instance.

