Nested Emergence Theory: A Thought Experiment

Germane Marvel
3 min readJan 17, 2024


In the realm of theoretical physics, Nested Emergence Theory (NET) stands as a provocative framework challenging traditional paradigms. This innovative approach posits a universe where time takes center stage, orchestrating the sequential emergence of spatial dimensions and fundamental forces. Embark on a journey through this cosmic thought experiment, where NET paints a vivid picture of the universe’s genesis and evolution.

1. The Genesis of Time: Imagine a pristine canvas, void of entities, forces, or spatial dimensions. The first temporal event materializes, marking the birth of time itself — the catalyst for perceived change within this nascent temporal framework.

2. Unfolding Temporal Events: As the timeline extends, subsequent temporal events come into play. The second temporal event introduces the past, encapsulating a record of the universe’s unfolding history. The third temporal event extends into the future, embodying the realm of possibilities, probabilities, and chance.

3. Emergence of Spatial Dimensions: With the unfolding of temporal events, a transformative process takes place. The fourth temporal event initiates the emergence of the first spatial dimension, and successive temporal events introduce the second and third dimensions, weaving the fabric of space into the cosmic narrative.

4. Scale, Interior, and Exterior: The seventh temporal event marks a critical juncture where the fourth spatial dimension emerges, introducing the concept of scale. Scale, in this context, incorporates both interior and exterior aspects, defining the extent and boundaries within the spatial dimensions.

5. Birth of Light: The eighth temporal event introduces photons into this experimental universe, emanating from the quantum vacuum. The vacuum, acting as a selective environment, favors the manifestation of light within the evolving spacetime.

6. Emergence of Mass and Gravity: The ninth temporal event triggers a pivotal transformation as the spacetime environment, now enriched with photons, selectively favors the entanglement of particles, imparting effective mass. This emergence of mass initiates the gravitational dimension within this hypothetical universe.

7. Electromagnetism and Fundamental Forces: Continuing our journey, NET unfolds the emergence of electromagnetism, the strong force, and the weak nuclear force. Each temporal event introduces these fundamental forces, shaping the intricate tapestry of the cosmos.

8. The Dual Nature of Time: NET introduces a dual concept of time. Computational time, the additive measure of each fundamental temporal event, and localized flow of time, experienced subjectively. This duality further enriches our understanding of the temporal framework.

9. Implications and Predictions: NET’s profound implications extend to reimagining spacetime dynamics, offering testable predictions, and suggesting experiments in quantum physics. Comparative analyses with existing models open avenues for dialogue between theory and experiment, challenging scientists to explore the very fabric of reality.

In the captivating landscape of NET, the universe unfolds as a dynamic narrative shaped by the intricate dance of time, space, and forces. Whether NET aligns with empirical observations or prompts refinements, it undeniably opens a door to novel perspectives on the universe’s grand tapestry.

