Tim Denning is Making Big Bank on Medium, What Did His Sept Look Like? $$$$

Ger Moniker
6 min readOct 2, 2022

How did Tim do over the month of September on Medium? A look at his stats and a guesstimate of how much he earned.

Tim is a pretty prolific writer; he churns out at least a story if not two most days. In Sept he published 30 stories give or take a few. By looking at the dates he published I can see he likes to take his weekends off (from Medium anyway), but he appears to compensate by adding a couple of stories either in advance or when he gets back to work on Mondays. He writes primarily longer articles. Somewhere around 5 to 7 minutes reading time seems to be his preferred length. He clearly has a good work ethic. Even though he is self-deprecating on the topic if his writing ability, based on his confidence elsewhere in his writing, I doubt he really believes he hasn’t got some skill. He clearly is good at what he does, you don’t get to 293,000 followers without resonating with your readership.

He also stays in his lane, if you look at the titles of what he publishes you can see a pretty clear pattern.

I am not going to do a cut and paste job of all his titles here, he is pretty good at self-promotion without my help. In summary most of his articles more or less have something to do with making money online or provide inspiration to work in a more effective way…



Ger Moniker

Curious about what makes people and the world tick. Writing about the intersection of life, science, business & Health. Email: germoniker@gmail.com